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The advantage of a Power-Pole Shallow Water Anchor is that it is for the serious fisherman. It has been designed for the smaller boat and helps with boat positioning.

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Q: What is the advantage of a Power-Pole shallow water anchor?
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Why turning circle for ship is more in shallow water?

This is because the depth of the water has a significant effect for the maximum turning circle of an anchored vessel. In shallow water, the anchor chain has longer catenary than in deep water when the length of the chain laid out is the same. And so, to minimize its turning circle, the anchor chain laid out in shallow water should be less than in deep water. Normally, in moderate weather condition, determining the right lenght of the chain to be paid out is by getting the depth of the water and multiply it by 3-5 times. In bad weather condition, multiply it by 5-8 times or more.

How do you work out the volume of displaced water from an anchor that lies on the bottom of the ocean?

volume after anchor was in water minus volume of water without anchor in it = the volume of the anchor

Is shallow an adjective?

Yes, "shallow" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that has little depth, significance, or understanding. For example, a shallow lake, a shallow person, or a shallow conversation.

How deep can the anchor reach on an aircraft carrier?

The US Navy's aircraft carriers are always moving when in open water so they never drop anchor. The only time they would drop anchor would be in a shallow harbor. Otherwise, when in port, they are tied to a dock.

When the anchor is thrown into the water will the water level in the pool drop or rise?

The anchor displaces water and the water level will rise.

Does Dolphins live in shallow or deep water?

They live in shallow sea water

Is there shallow or deep water in a muskeg?

It can be shallow or deep.

Shallow in a sentence?

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Is deep water more or less dense than shallow water?

Shallow water is more dense than Deep water. This means that a wave travelling from deep water to shallow water would bend towards the normal. Also, the wave would travel slower in the shallow than in the deep water

Do Echinoderms live in Deep water or Shallow water?

Seahorses tend to like Shallow Waters More than Deep Waters

What if the ship don't have a anchor?

when you dock a ship you use a rope to tie the ship so it stays put, but out at sea you cant tie anywhere so that's why the ancor was invented, amagine waking up at gilligans island Many large ships use swivel-direction propellers to remain in one place. A ship can also be moored to a dock which requires no anchor. An anchor is used if there is no dock, the water is shallow enough for the anchor's chain to touch bottom, and there is something for the anchor to grab on the bottom.