

Best Answer
  • alpha is the common base current gain = Ic/Ie.
  • beta is the common emitter current gain = Ic/Ib.
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Q: What is the alpha beta teta of a bipolar junction transistor?
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How do you calculate the current gain of a transistor?

Bipolar transistor current gain is also called "Beta," or the h-parameter "hfe." beta = current_out / current_in The beta of a BJT is mostly determined by the thickness of the Base region, and by the excess doping in the Emitter relative to the Base. A thin Base and a heavily-doped Emitter leads to a high value for current gain. In a BJT, beta = Ic / Ib In a FET, beta is usually taken as infinity, since no current flows in or out of the gate. Beta is an impirical number. It means nothing unless the Ic is known or the load. It can have a beta from 1000 to 10 it all depends on the load.

What actors and actresses appeared in Alpha Version Beta - 1998?

The cast of Alpha Version Beta - 1998 includes: Christophe Bourdel Maud Buquet as The arm

How is the relationship between protons and alpha particles similar to the relationship between beta particles and electrons?

An Alpha Particle is a fast, bare Helium nuclei composed of two protons, two neutrons, and no electrons, that is ejected at high velocity from a decaying nuclei. A Beta Particle is an electron or positron, ejected at extremely high velocity from a decaying nuclei. Both alpha particles and protons are Bosons. Both beta particles and electrons are Leptons. Their relationships are similar because the electron and proton are both components of atoms. The beta and alpha particles are both fragments ejected from decaying atoms.

Why gain increases in low frequency region in BJT?

Because Beta (current gain) in a transistor is inversely proportional to frequency. Hence it increases as frequency decreases. Also the ac voltage gain is directly proportional to Beta.

What is Sigma Nu's motto?

The motto of Nu Alpha Nu is 'Death Before Dishonor'.

Related questions

When the forward saturation in Bipolar junction transistor occurs?

Forward saturation in a BJT occurs when the ratio of collecter-emitter current and base-emitter current reaches hFe or dc beta. A that point, the BJT is no longer operating in linear mode.

What is the alpha of the bipolar junction transistor?

The change of collector current with respect to emitter current. Typically 0.95 to 0.995. So a transistor with alpha of 0.95 might have an emitter current of 10 mA, collector current 9.5 mA. The "missing" current becomes base current and does not reach the collector. The more commonly used figure for current gain is beta, the ratio of collector current to base current, typically 50 to 500. In CB MODE It is called the common base, short-ckt, amplification factor.

When was Alpha Beta created?

Alpha Beta grocery stores was founded in 1917 in Pomona, California by Albert and Hugh Gerrard.

What is alpha particle detector and what is the application of bjt in alpha particle detector?

An alpha particle detector is a device used to detect the presence of alpha particles, which are relatively massive and charged particles emitted during radioactive decay. A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) can be used in an alpha particle detector as a sensor element to detect the ionization caused by alpha particles passing through it. When an alpha particle ionizes the semiconductor material in the BJT, it can generate an electrical signal that can be measured to detect the presence of alpha particles.

When did Alpha Beta end?

Alpha Beta ended in 1995.

What comes after alpha?

After alpha comes beta in the Greek alphabet.

When was Alpha Beta Gamma created?

Alpha Beta Gamma was created in 1970.

When was Beta Phi Alpha created?

Beta Phi Alpha was created in 1919.

What is the percentage of alpha and beta in an equimolar mixture of alpha d glucose and beta d glucose?

In an equimolar mixture of alpha-D-glucose and beta-D-glucose, the percentage of alpha form would be 50% and the percentage of beta form would also be 50%.

What is a another name for the stars called alpha and beta?

There is no single star called "alpha" or "beta". The brightest stars (usually) in each constellation are called "alpha" and "beta", followed by the Latin genitiv of the constellation; for example, "alpha centauri", "beta centauri", "alpha orionis", "alpha cruxis", etc.

Why are alpha and beta rays bent in different directions?

Alpha particles are heavier and carry a positive charge, so they are more easily deflected by electromagnetic fields in a different direction than beta particles, which are lighter and negatively charged. This can occur if they pass through a medium that causes them to ionize and interact differently due to their mass and charge differences.

A PNP transistor is connected in a circuit so that the collector-base junction remains reverse biased and the emitter-base junction is forward biased This transistor can be used as a power amplifi?

No freaking way but it would make an excellent low level switch if forced at beta of 10