

Best Answer

This question can not be answered because:

  • The location of the accident in not included
  • The type of vehicles involved
  • The aggravating conditions
  • Are you going to sue or settle
  • Are you in a jurisdiction where these settlements are mandated by law

So I recommend you consult a legal professional in the area that this took place.

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Q: What is the amount of money with the loss of an arm when other driver at fault?
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How much money do you get if you were a passenger in a car accident and it was not your fault?

Unable to answer - too little is known about the circumstances of the accident. Was the driver of the car you were in at fault? Was the driver of the other car at fault? Submit your medical claims to the appropriate insurance company and wait to be contacted for an offer.

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You will be cited for driving without insurance and the other driver being at fault, him and his insurance are still liable for damages.

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If there is no other vehicle involved in the accident, then the only person who can be at fault is the underage driver.

When stoppe and the car coming in impacts me who's fault?

That would be the other driver's fault, unless you were stopped somewhere that there was no reason to stop. If you have your emergency signals on, however, then it would be the other driver's fault regardless.

You are injured in an auto accident in Virginia and the other driver is at fault do doctors have to bill your health insurance?

driver's insurance has coverage for a specific amount of medical coverage for injury and even death. check with the other driver to see the coverage and report it to the other driver's insurance company to find out the process to have the bills paid.

If your at fault and you hit the other driver that doesnt have a license and uninsured who has to pay?

If you're at fault, you pay.

Who is liable in a car accident where the driver at fault calls the police the other driver leaves the scene and no police report is filed?

The driver at fault is liable for the collision, regardless of the other driver's actions post-collision. The fleeing driver may later be brought up on Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident charges, but that will not change the at fault liability.

How much your check would be if your car was hit from behind and it wasn't your fault?

It depends entirely on the damages to your car. If your insurance company finds the other driver at fault, an adjuster will inspect your car or you will be instructed to visit a mechanic for an estimate. If you go through the other driver's insurance, you will be issued a check in the amount of the estimated repair cost. If you go through your own insurance, you will be covered for that amount, with the exception of the deductable, which you will pay.

If you had an accident that was your fault you have uninsured motorist coverage the other driver was uninsured do you have to pay all the costs?

The at fault driver is responsible regardless of who has or does not have insurance. You were at fault, you get the bill. Fortunately though you have insurance. So they get the bill.

What happens if a fully insured driver admits fault for hitting a parked vehicle but the other driver involved in the accident had no license insurance or registration?

If the other vehicle was parked, there was no other driver to have license, insurance or registration. The driver who hit the parked vehicle is at fault and is liable for all damages to the parked vehicle.

If you are in an accident that is not your fault should the other driver pay?

YES, ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!

What happens when the other driver admits fault but you have no insurnace?

Just because the other driver admitted fault does not automatically mean they will pay for your damage. Depending on where you are located you could be sued for damages and your license suspended.