

What is the anal fin on a mollie?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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It is in exactly the same place on all fish. (just in front of the anus). In the case of a male Molly, it develops into a "gonopodium" and is used to transport milt (sperm) into the "cloaca" of the femae thus impregnating her.

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Q: What is the anal fin on a mollie?
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I guess you mean "Anal fin". If so, the answer is "yes fish do have an anal fin."

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It's the fin closest to the butt.

How can you tell if you tattoo mollie fish is a girl or a boy?

It's all in the anal fin (the rear fin on the bottom just before the tail fin). In a male, it will be skinny and pointed and separate from the body, in a female it will fan out like a true fin and sometimes fold up against the body which can make sexing them confusing. Usually, watching them a few minutes is all it takes to figure it out.

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If you water is clean and tempered right it will!

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Pertaining to, or situated near, the anus; as, the anal fin or glands.

What are the functions of an anal fin of a fish?

For stability

Where is a fish's anus?

Behind the anal fin.

How do you tell the sex of mollie fish?

If you look at there bottom fin the males have a fin that sticks strait back where females are fan shaped.