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The angle of attack is an aerodynamic term which refers to the angle between the mean wing chord of the airfoil and the direction of airflow.

This is different from the pitch angle of the aircraft in that the pitch angle refers to the aircrafts position in relation to the horizon, whereas angle of attack refers to the aircrafts angle in relation to airflow.

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Q: What is the angle of attack on an airplane?
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What is an angle of attack?

An angle of attack is the angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it.

What are the amounts of lift and drag for a airplane?

The amounts depend on the airplane's size, shape, speed, altitude, and angle of attack, among other things.

What will the angle of attack at which an airplane wing stalls at is do to what?

The plane stall remain the same regardless of gross weight.

What control stall margin?

Stall margin is the difference in the critical angle of attack and the angle of attack in which you are operating.Example:Suppose, critical angle of attack= 15°AOA operating in a flight= 5°then, Lift by the wing balances the weight of the airplane with a STALL MARGIN= 10°Stall Margin is being controlled by an angle of attack and the position of flap control..CHEERS!

What do you do to avoid a sudden loss of lift and settling of the airplane?

Do not exceed the critical angle of attack, basically the angle the wings make with the oncoming air as the plane moves forward.

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An airplane's fuselage affects it flight by a lot. It can change its speed, maneuverability, angle of attack, and even its necessary-for-flight wing size.

How is thrust related to the speed of an airplane?

As trust increases, speed increases. Providing the angle of attack, and the wind speed stay the same.

Does the angle of launching affect how far a paper airplane flies?

Yes, the launching Angle of Attack, along with the launching force, will determine range, unless there is some outside force (such as a motor) to accommodate it.

What is the difference between the Angle of Attack and th Angle of Incidence?

Hi!The angle of incidence is built into the aircraft, and cannot be changed. This angle is the angle that the wing makes with a level surface (such as if the ground if the aircraft were parked).The angle of attack (commonly abbreviated AoA), is the angle that the chordline of the airfoil makes with the relative wind. So if you were in straight and level flight, maintaining altitude, the angle of attack would be zero degrees.When an aircraft exceeds a critical angle of attack (which is determined by the design of the airplane), the airflow will peel off of the wing, causing the wing to stop producing lift. The aircraft is, in this scenario, stalled.Hope this helps.Source(s):PPL ASEL 6/17/08

What is Angle of attack and stalling in aircraft?

These are terms that aerospace engineers use to define the flight characteristics that is more associated with the Wing and not the airplane. The shape of a wing will produce different lift and drag for various flight conditions. One parameter is the Angle of Attack. This is the angle that the wing makes with the approaching air flow. A zero(0) Angle of Attack is when the nose of the wing is flying directly into the air flow. As the wing is turns the Nose up, this is a positive angle of attack and this generally results in an increase in Lift. Turning the wing in a nose DOWN is a negative angle of attack and reduces Lift or creates a negative Lift. If the Angle of Attack of the wing gets too large, the wing will stall. Stall occurs with the air flow over the wing is disrupted and does not flow smoothly over the wing. This reduces the Lift drastically. When an airplane pitches its nose up too much, the wing stalls and losses its lift and the airplane will begin to descend. Some airplanes will stall and one wing will drop over and the aircraft will go into a Spin. Modern airplanes, small ones and large passenger airplanes, are designed so that they easily stall into a spin.

What is an angle attack?

The angle of attack is the angle that the kite flys into the air at. The angle depends on the wind seeded in the area you are flying the kite in.

What is a loss of lift that can cause an airplane to crash?

A STALL, where the wing exceeds it's maximum angle of attack for the conditions (speed, g-force, etc>) under which the airplane is flying. Air separation over the top of the wing increases as angle of attack (angle of the wing compared to the airflow) increases, until the separation causes a decrease in lift. When under these conditions the amount of lift is less than the weight of the aircraft, the wing is stalled, and the aircraft descends. Since most aircraft don't seem to have an angle of attack meter, the airspeed indicator is usually marked with stall speeds experienced under various specific circumstances.