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.05 to .15 gallons per square yard

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Q: What is the application rate for a tack coat?
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What is the application rate for a prime coat?

.1 to .25

What is the material of the tack coat?

The material is called sheep alomode

What is the difference between tack coat and prime coat?

There is a substantial amount of misinformation concerning the function and proper use of prime. Prime is not glue-causing the base to adhere to the pavement is not its purpose. Prime's purpose is to protect the base from rain and light traffic, when the paving will be delayed.A prime coat is an application of an asphalt cutback or emulsified asphalt to a prepared base. The base can be either a sub grade or a base rock. Prime functions as a protector from rain for both types of bases. A primecoat should not be confused with a tack coat. Tack is an a adhesive for gluing two asphalt layers together.

How many gallons of tack coat are in a ton?

A 5 gallon pale of the brand I have weighs 60 pounds. With a ton being 2,000 pounds, it would be 166 2/3 gallons of the tack coat.

Which words you can make of otatock?

There are several words that can be made from otatock. some examples are took, taco, tack, tot, coat, tack, and oat

How many pounds are in 1 gallon tack coat coverage?

2354323 gallons

How much is the application rate for asphalt prime coat?

Prime sealing coat shall be MC30 or MC70 complying with ASSHTO M82 or as directed by the Engineer and shall be applied to the prepared sub-base layer at a rate between 0.8 and 1.2kg/m2 and at a temperature between 60' C and 80' C. Tests shall be carried out on site to determine the rate of spread of the prime sealing coat material.

What is the minimum and maximum curing time of asphalt prime coat?

There are no curing time requirement for prime coat. You can asphalt rigth away after your prime as long as the prime have the proper temperature. There are curing time for TACK COAT which is different. (TACK IS OVER ASPHALT,PRIME IS OVER BASE ROCK ).Is a common mistake confuse those two different operations. The curing time for TACK depend of the weather and varie between 8 hrs to 24 hrs. Gustavo Cuenca Civil Engineer.

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What types of tack does HorseIsle have?

Lots including racing, jumping , fancy (showing) english, western, pegasus, firebird etc etc etc... -- Improved by Blackpony from Pinto-server. Tack + prices; Australian tack, English tack, and Western tack for $11,001. Draft tack, Fancy tack, Jumping tack, Racing tack and Llama tack for $110,001. Camel tack for $220,001. Beautiful tack, Fireball tack, Heavyweight tack and Jackrabbit tack for $1,020,000. Glorious tack, Hercules tack, Icarus tack and Pegasus tack for $10,200,000.

What is application of differentiator?

Finding the rate of change - in particular, the instantaneous rate of change.