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Q: What is the assembly of the plebeians called?
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Why did the plebeians establish their own assembly in 494 BC?

Why did the plebeians establish their own assembly in 494 B.C.?

Why did the plebeians establish teir own assembly in 494 BC?

Why did the plebeians establish their own assembly in 494 B.C.?

What group of people serve the tribal assembly?

the plebeians

What group of people served in the tribal assembly.?

the plebeians

Why did the plebeians want the same rights as the patricians?

The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.

What was the name of the assembly the plebeians formed to obtain political rights?

Concillum Plebus

Who who plebians?

The plebeians were represented by the plebeian tribunes. They were elected by the Plebeian Council, the assembly of the plebeians. They were not public officials. They were political representatives.

To obtain political rights plebeians formed their own assembly?

Concillum Plebus

Which group in ancient rome made up the assembly of centuries the patrician or the plebeians?

The Assembly of the Centuries (comitia centuriata) was made up of patricians, equites and plebeians. It was the Assembly of the Soldiers. All soldiers voted in this assembly. It was named after the century (centuria) which was the basic unit of the Roman army, similar to a company. The soldiers were plebeians. The officers mostly were patricians. The cavalry was made up of the equites (cavalrymen) who were the second highest social rank in Roman society.

What group of people served in the Tribal Assembly women patricians slaves plebeians?

The tribal assembly was open to male citizens - patricians and plebs.

What branch of government represented the common people of roman republic?

No branch of the Roman government represented the plebeians. The plebeian tribunes represented the plebeians. However, they were not a branch of the government. The did not have executive powers. The plebeians had had their own assembly, the Plebeian council.

How did the plebeians get to vote?

During the Monarchy and the Republic, the plebeians, like all Roman citizens, had the had the right to vote in the assembly of the tribes, which was a popular assembly. In the late Monarchy and early to mid-Republic, if they had a level property above a certain threshold, they could also vote in the assembly of the soldiers. During the Republic, the plebeians also formed their own assembly, the plebeian council. Originally they voted in this council only on matters regarding the plebeians. Over time, this assembly became the main voting body to approve or reject most laws, including laws which were binding on all Roman citizens, including the patricians.