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The density of radium is 5,5 g/cm3.

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Q: What is the atomic structure of radium 226?
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What is atomic mass and atomic number for radium?

The atomic number is 88 and the atomic mass is 226

How many protons and neutrons does radium have?


When radium-226 decays to form radon-222 the radium nucleus emits a?

When Radium-226 decays to form Radon-222, the Radium nucleus emits an alpha particle. The atomic number goes down by 2, and the mass number goes down by 4, matching the atomic number and mass number of the alpha particle.

When radium-226 (atomic number 88) decays by emitting an alpha particle it becomes .?


What is the mass of radium?

The mass of the most known and stable isotope of radium, 226Ra, is 226,025 409 8(25).

What is the atomic number of radium?

The atomic number of radium (Ra) is 88.The atomic weight of Ra is 226 grams per mole.See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a periodic table with more information about this element!

What is radiums mass number?

The most stable isotope of radium - 226Ra - has the atomic mass 226,025 409 8 (25).

How many proton and neutron are in radium?

What is the decay process does radium 226 undergo including the nuclear changes that occur?

Radium-226--------------------Radon-222 + alpha

After undergoing alpha decay an atom of radium -226 becomes?

Radium 226 decays by alpha emission to Radon 222. A helium nucleus is emitted by alpha emission which makes the mass reduce by 4 and its atomic number by 2.

What is the most reactive alkaline earth metal?

Radium (Ra), atomic number 88, is the most reactive alkaline earth metal. It has the most energy levels of all the alkaline earth metals therefore it's electrons are more easily taken away.

When radium -226 decays to form radon -222 the radium nucleus emits?

When radium-226 decays to form radon-222, the radium nucleus emits a alpha particle.