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An IQ score is a comparison to the scores achieved by other people that are the same age and nationality as the test-taker. And so an IQ test taken by a 7th grade American child will only be compared to the scores of other 7th grade American children.

The average will always be represented by the score 100.

Just don't fall into the trap of taking online tests that claim to be IQ tests.

The general public is strictly prohibited from having access to genuine IQ tests such as the WISC, WAIS, or the Stanford-Binet. And so if you take a test online or obtain it from anywhere other than a psychologist, then it is guaranteed to be fake and your score will be meaningless.

Online so-called IQ tests generally have built in positive biases to give the test-taker a very high genius-level score, making them feel good about themselves, and encourage them to part with their email address or credit card details in return for a "full analysis" that is completely made up.

It is a scam. Don't fall for it.

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