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it doesnt matter your age, but what matters is your knowledge. trust me.

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16y ago
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10y ago

actually i am ten years old and i'm obsessed with designe i make my own clothes

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12y ago

I started at age 13, and now I am a Gucci model. But I suggest starting no later than 15, start young!

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13y ago

Im A Famous Fashion Designer And I Am 54 And They Said That I Have To Retire When Im 60 Years Of Age But I Want To Carry On My Work Untill The Day I Die.

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Q: What is the average age of a fashion designer?
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What is the age of retirement for a fashion designer?

There is no real age of retirement for a fashion designer. Most people retire at around 60 years of age, though.

What is the average wage for a fashion designer?

the annual wage for a fashion designer is 43,000 (starting) - 100,000 (experienced)

What is the average for a fashion designer in 2013?


What is a fashion designer's hourly salary?

{| The average salary for Fashion Designer jobs in Los Angeles, CA is $64,000. Average Fashion Designer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "Fashion Designer" anywhere in the job listing. |- | == $64,000 |}

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How much does a fashion technical designer earn?

The average annual salary for the job title 'fashion technical designer' is $102,000 in the United States. This works out to an average monthly salary of $8,500.

How old you have to be to be a fashion designer?

Any one of any age can be a fashion designer. However just because you designed a fashion does not mean anyone will wear it or pay for it. For that you need to become a great fashion designer. For that you will need practice, probably some schooling in fashion. and a lot of luck.

What does the job of a fashion designer pay?

The average salary for a fashion designer pays around 80,000 dollars a year. New York and California tend to have the highest paid fashion designers.

What is an average fashion designer's beginning salary?

Around 20,000 annually.

How do you become a fashion designer at age 9?

believe in yourself and do it step by step. :)

What is the starting age to do fashion designer?

Anytime, and depending on your skills and connections, too