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Q: What is the average age that humans die?
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What age do turtles die at?

all i know is on average they outlive many generations of humans.

What is the age Chinese people die?

There is no exact age for any race in particular, but the average life span for humans is 80 years.

What makes humans die?

Humans die due to a variety of causes, including old age, sickness, injuries from accidents, etc.

How long is an average humans life?

80-90 years of age (:

What is the average age human beings die?

They die at an old age like 70 and up.

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How can a tiger die?

Old age, disease, or being killed by humans.

What age does a average tiger die?

25 years

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What is the average age that fish die?

10 years

What is is the average of dying?

most people die over the age of 50 or if they have an illness they might die under the age of 50 but the average of dying is 50 to how ever old you get

What is the average age of a Dog owner in America?

...same as all other humans....?.......