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Q: What is the average amount a dog farts a day?
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Dog farts

What is the most amount of food an average dog eats a day?

some dogs eat about 3-5 cups depending on dog size and weight

It depends on how the dog is but,i feed my dog trice in a day?

3 times a day is fine, and is a good amount

How much can a dog eat each day?

An average dog can eat up to 1-3 bowls a day

What is the average amount of puppies in a boxer dog liter?

4 or 5

What is the average amount a person pays for a dog trainer per year?


How much does it cost per day on average to put a dog in dog day care?

Keep in mind that different locations will have different rates. However, on average you can expect to pay around $30 a day for the service.

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2 Dougal G's farts

What are the names of King James 1 children?

Dog Rabitt Fish AND Farts

how many times does the average dog pee a day?

3-5 times a day

Why don't dog farts make noise?

Dogs farts do have noise, Their farts don't build up as much pressure as say a horse or human would. A dogs fart if listened closely can make a whooshing noise

Do dogs fart standing up?

You don't have a dog, do you? Yes, they fart standing up.