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10 to 20 percent of your total household electricity usage.

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Q: What is the average amount of energy you can save by turning off the lights?
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How does it save energy to turn off lights?

Lights use energy. Turning them off saves energy.

How does turning off the lights help save energy?

Turning off the lights when not needed can help save electricity. Consequently, this can help save energy.

Turning off unused lights is an example of what kind of energy?

Turning off unused lights is an example of Energy Conversion. Energy conversion is the process of chaning one form of energy to another.

How electrical energy can be conserved in homes?

By turning off lights or other devices you don't use and by installing energy-saving equipment (especially lights).

Does solar lights use more energy than the electric lights?

NO,they use the same amount of energy as any other light; But they do not use any POTENTIAL ENERGY.

Ways to conserve solar energy?

we could use less energy by not not using the TV so much or by turning of the lights when not in use.

10 ways how can we conserve energy?

you can save energy by turning lights of and getting energy efficient appliancesOne way we can conserve energy is, using stuff like electric cars, and rechargeable batteries

How do do different color lights vary in the amount of heat energy that they carry?

i think it does vary

Can you save money when shutting off the lights?

Turning off the lights does not actually save energy; energy not burned by the lights is simply run into the ground. It will save you $$, but not save energy. However, turning off the lights does send a market signal to electricity producers, informing them that current electricity production is too high (because it is being wasted) and decreasing future loads.Conserve energy? It completely stops the use of it. How much more can you conserve?update: Hopefully the person above is taking their own advice and not voting or reproducing :-) "It completely stops the use of [energy]?" No, it stops your use of it, but the energy company still burns it if you don't use it. Only when we stop using it on a large scale does the energy company not produce as much, and we then save. Turning off that light right now? Earth hour? Not saving the planet or any energy. Only if we do it ALL THE TIME.

How can turning off lights when you're not using them help decrease air pollution?

Turning lights off when you're not using them can help decrease air pollution by limiting the amount of electricity used. Electricity is usually produced through burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which pollutes the air with carbon dioxide emissions (the cause of global warming).

Ways to conserve energy?

Ways to conserve energy would be turning out lights. Unplugging things not in use. Keeping your appliances in good health so they do not waste energy and recycling.

Why do you now use energy saving light bulbs?

reduce electric bills without turning off too many lights