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A male giraffe may measure to be 18 feet tall. The female are shorter and are usually between 13-15 feet tall.

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Q: What is the average length of a giraffe?
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What is the average length of a giraffe's tongue?

19 In. 5.

what is the average length of a giraffe neck?

6 feet long

How big was the dodo?

about the same length as the average giraffe's neck + the average length of a walrus' tusk. It weighed about the same as a painted turtle's left foot.

What is the the length of a giraffe?

It depends.. If the giraffe is a baby, male, or female

What is the best unit for the height of a giraffe?

When measuring the height of a giraffe, you should use the most common SI unit for height: The Giraffe. The average height of a giraffe is one giraffe. One giraffe translates to 5.45 metres, 17 feet 10.5 inches, or 0.07 jumbo jets.

How big is an average giraffe?

A giraffe average size is 14-19 ft

What is a average speed for a giraffe?

37mph is the average speed of north Savannah giraffe.

How long is a Giraffe's esophagus?

A common length of the esophagus of a giraffe is about 40 inches. That compares to about 8 to 10 inches in a human being.

How tall are Giraffes when older?

the average giraffe neck is about 10 feet long. the average giraffe body is about 5 feet long. the average giraffe legs are about 15 feet long. together, that's an average of about 30 feet long.

What metric unit of length is appropriate for measuring a giraffe?

A metre.

How many spots do giraffe's have?

Giraffes are reticulated not spotted.

How long is the average giraffe tongue?

It is about a foot long. Answer: It is also purple and very slimy with giraffe saliva.18 inches