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Q: What is the average length of time it takes young adult children to accept a parents new spouse?
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hair length can vary because of the DNA from their parents and of their diet so there is no answer to that question

What is the average length of a ten year old leg?

There is no average. Some children are taller while others are shorter.

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An average couch is about average length

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The average length of a vehicle is 17feet

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The average length of a ruler is 12 inches.

Average stride length?

For adult females, the average step length is about 26 inches and the average stride length is around 52 inches. For adult males, the average step length is 31 inches and the average stride is 62 inches.

What is an average step length?

The average step length is taken as 30 inches.

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The average length of a moose is 2.5 to 2.7 metres.

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66 metres is the average length Leon roach

How many kids could a blue whales could have?

This depends on two things. Length and age of children and the length and age of a blue whale. On average a adult blue whale can grow to 84ft and average height of a 10 year which is around 4.5 feet. It will take 19 (rounding up) children to make equivalent to a blue whale.

Length of badmiton rackect?

The average length of a badminton racket is usually around 23 inches. The size varies on the player, for example children have smaller ones due to their shorter arm lengths. Hope it helped!