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Q: What is the average temperature for late April in England?
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What is the average temperature at the south rim of the grand canyon in late April?

The average high temp on the GC South Rim in April (all temps in degrees F) is 60, in May it is 70. The average lows are (respectively) 32 and 39. My guess is that the average temp in late April would be a high about 65 and a low of about 35; with an overall average of about 50.

What is the average temperature in Chicago in September?

What is the average temperature late September in Chicago \

What is the average temperature in Michigan during spring?

If by "spring" you mean March and April, the highs average from low 30's in March to high 50's in April. Generally things don't get nice and into the 60's until well into April. If you mean the "official spring" from late March to late June, the "average" is 62 or 63, but the weather changes quite drastically in that period.

What is the temperature in Sicily late march?

The average daytime temperature is 16 deg C.

What is the water temperature in Cocoa Beach Florida in late March?

The water temperature in late March usually average between 70 to 74 degrees

What is the average temperature In Panama City Florida in late February?

what is the avrage temperature in panama February average high = 65.0° F Average low = 41.0° F

What is the average temperature in Chicago in late September?

70 during the day, 55 at night.

Last frost date for Missouri for flowers?

The average last frost date is between April 10th and April 20th depending on where you are in Missouri. But, those are averages. Sometimes the last frost will be earlier and sometimes it can frost as late as early May. The average last frost date is between April 10th and April 20th depending on where you are in Missouri. But, those are averages. Sometimes the last frost will be earlier and sometimes it can frost as late as early May. The average last frost date is between April 10th and April 20th depending on where you are in Missouri. But, those are averages. Sometimes the last frost will be earlier and sometimes it can frost as late as early May.

What is the average summer temperature in Massachusetts?

not above 70 degrees...ever According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the average temperature for June-July-August is 67.7 degrees based on data since 1868. The average annual temperature is 45.9 degrees.

How do you get victini in pokemon white after April and march?

No, you can not. Victini is an Event Pokemon available only from March 6 to April 10, 2011.

Time difference between england and Malaysia?

Malaysia is eight hours ahead of England from late October until late March. Malaysia is seven hours ahead of England from late March until late October.

Rome weather in late April?

usally in early/late April the weather is warmer but sometimes cloudy:)