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Q: What is the band of myelinated nerve fibers that connect the rights and left brain hemispheres called?
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Large fiber tract connecting the cerebal hemispheres?

Commissural fibers. These fibers connect the hemispheres of the brain including the cerebral portion.

What does non myelinated fibers look like?

Myelinated fibers appear white in comparison to unmyelinated fibers.

What contains myelinated axons?

Myelinated Fibers.

What is the name of the band of fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain?

The band of fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain is called the corpus callosum. It facilitates communication between the two hemispheres, allowing them to work together seamlessly.

Is it true that Projection fibers in the brain mainly connect the right and left hemispheres?


Does Projection fibers in the brain mainly connect the right and left hemispheres?

No, They connect the white matter of the cerebrum with parts outside of it

Can a myelinated axon have a larger diameter than an unmyelinated axon?

Unmyelinated fibers typically have smaller diameters than myelinated fibers.

What spinal segment structure carries non-myelinated GVE fibers?

The white ramus communicans carries non-myelinated GVE fibers.

What is non-myelinated nerve fiber?

a nerve fiber that lacks the fatty myelin insulating sheath. Such fibers form the gray matter of the nervous system, as distinguished from the white matter of myelinated fibers. Also called nonmedullated nerve fiber.

Masses of myelinated nerve fibers appear?


What is the differences between commissures association fibers and projection fibers?

Association fibers connect different portions of cerebral hemisphere allowing cerebral cortex to function as a integrated whole whereas projection fibers connect cerebral hemispheres to other portions of brain n spinal cord

Are nerve fibers in ascending tracts myelinated?

If I was paying attention in med school, I think... The pre-ganglionic fibers are myelinated and the post-ganglionic are unmyelinated. This is in reference to the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.