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anyone know? yes the answer is wealth should be spread evenly over all

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Q: What is the basis of socialism?
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USA was fiunded on the basis of Socialism?

The statement that USA was founded on the basis of Socialism is false because it was based on capitalism.

What is the philosophy behind African socialism?

"The basis of socialism is a belief in oneness of man and the common historical destiny of mankind. Its basis... is human equality"

What is the contribution of utopian socialism to the rise of scientific socialism?

It formed the warly philosophical basis and compassionate reasoning, read Engels's Socialism Utopian and Scientific

Why socialism started?

Many people believe that a society should be kind and helpful to all of its members rather than ruthlessly allowing everybody to either fail or succeed on their own. That is the philosophical basis for socialism.

When was Leninism developed?

After the October Revolution of 1917 Leninism was the ideological basis of Soviet Socialism. It enetered common usage in 1922.

Was communism or socialism first?

It was from Socialism that Communism was born.

Can you expanciate on Awolowo's democratic socialism?

Democratic socialism is ensuring of govermental services and benefits to all citezenry in mostly underdeveloped and rural communities where government services cannot be easily realized on basis of need for those wanting groups and minorities who are usually left out of the democratic system.

Why socialism book written by?


What can be associated with the concept of Inca socialism?

The Inca empire was a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole and the state regulated the distribution of resources on the basis of need.

The African form of socialism was based on what?

There was no African form of Socialism.

What does crypto socialism m ean?

fake socialism.

Make you a sentence using the word socialism?

Many Americans feel that president Obama's health reforms smack of socialism and they don't like it.