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Q: What is the beeping tone before takeoff or landing?
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How do you turn off the beeping on the samsung eternity?

Go to the sound profile and press on the letters (ect. driving). On the top right there is a drop menu. Go to "phone" in that menu and change the keypad tone.

How do I stop my doors from beeping each time I open a door to my house?

You'll have to find the manual that came with your security system or contact the installer to get one.

What happens before sun exposure?

before sun exposure you are your normal skin tone/color.

What is the meaning of the Japanese name Neiro?

Neiro means literally your 'tone' or "tone quality" an example could be Kimi no Neiro which translates to Your Tone. (which is also a manga) Kimi means "you" No is a particle that makes the word before possessive, making kimi become "Your" Neiro means "Tone" Result "Your Tone"

What is the importance of carrying out otoscopy before carrying out pure tone audiometry?

otoscopy should be done before carrying out pure tone audiometry to see if the patient has impacted cerumen which can also cause hearing problem.

What is the tone of the poem the black land?

but the tone=the emo of their personality like harry,sad,anger/mad,upset

How do you tone your curves like Jennifer Lopez?

You mostly work out a lot and have a healthy eating habit and before you know you will tone your curves like Jennifer Lopez.

What are the steps in a major scale?

tone, tone, semitone, tone tone, tone, semitone

What is the pattern of tone and semitone in a major scale?

Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semitone.

Which arrangement makes of the major C scale?

tone tone semitone tone tone tone semitone

What are some examples of tone in advertising?

Persuasive Tone Enthusiastic Tone Monotonous Tone Emotionless Tone

What is ascending tone?

a tone that starts with a low tone that becomes higher tone