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Q: What is the belief that nature is a doorway to a mystical world holding important truths?
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Related questions

What is a important belief?

important belief is up to the individual

Why is God so mystical?

In order to maintain a belief in something for which there is little to no evidence you must make statements about it that are unfalsifiable.

What does mystical inclinations mean?

Mystical inclinations refer to a strong belief or interest in mystical or supernatural aspects of life, such as spiritual experiences, metaphysical concepts, or the pursuit of higher consciousness. It can involve seeking a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe and exploring the nature of reality beyond traditional or rational methods.

Why placing the doorway of the house were the sun is shining is superstition or scientific belief?

Scientific belief. Every time you open your door and step out, you want to be met by a nice sunny day and the shining sun. This makes you happier.

Which is more important - Belief or Practice?

Belief <3

What is another word for holding on to a purpose or belief?

integrity faithfulness devotion

To engage in hypocrisy is to?

profess one belief while holding another.

Why is it important for people to have a belief?

It is important to have a belief because in most cases it gives your life a purpose.

What is a person holding a religious belief or philosophy that is not Christian?

That person is a non-Christian.

Why was belief in gods so important to the Egyptians?

the belief was so important because they believed that the gods controlled everything

What is the most important belief in buddhisim?

The most important belief is that the end of suffering is attainable by following the Eightfold Path.

What is 1 important belief about judaism?

Belief in the God-given Torah.