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Q: What is the belief that the US should minimize its involment in foreign affairs is called?
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The belief that the US should minimize it's involvement in foreign affairs?


The belief that the United States should minimize its involvement in foreign affairs is called?


Belief that the US should minimize its involvement in foreign affairs?

Isolationism - Isolationists believe that the US government should be isolated from the outside world. Total isolation is somewhat possible - North Korea's mostly done this. But outside trade is always important.

What is the belief that heavenly bodies influence the affairs of man?

Astrology is the belief that heavenly bodies influence the affairs of people.

Why were Americans not interested in foreign affairs before 1890?

Prior to the 1890s, Americans did not have an interest in foreign affairs, mainly because of their location. The United States far away from the near constant warfare of the Europeans, and had survived in an insular, closed off society. However, the Industrial Revolution, American's belief in manifest destiny, and the fact that a good portion of American goods were originating from other countries, changed the attitude of many in the 1860s.

What is doctrines?

A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.The word "doctrine" means a system of belief. Each religion has one or more. Which religion are you asking about and which doctrine?

Assess American foreign policy in the aftermath of world war 1 what effect did the war have on American attitudes toward the outside world?

After WW1, the American foreign policy was very wishful that they could now abolish war permanently or prevent it as much as possible and thus formed the League of Nations. The war "...was feared before it started, popular while it lasted, and hated when it ended." After the war, it became a substantially widespread belief that the venerable institution of war should be abandoned from their affairs. The American people were glad it was over but wanted vindication and to abandon war from all affairs and go back to an "isolationism" nation that way they wouldn't have to worry about other nations and meddling in each others affairs.

Washington's foreign policy rested on the basic belief that?

it was in america's interest to stay neutral in all european wars.

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What is it called when everybody is treated the same?

Equality? Socialism? Communism? Egalitarianism: a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs

What is presidential doctrine?

I suppose it is a doctrine articulated by the President. A doctrine is a statement of belief used to define policy, usually foreign policy.

What is the intentional mental state?

An intentional mental state is a mental state that represents content or different states of affairs. For example, a belief is an intentional mental state that represents the way the world it. It may be a true belief that accurately represents the world (i.e. the belief the world is a globe) or it could be a false belief that does not accurately represent the world (i.e. the belief that the world is flat). Desires (including hopes/dreams/etc) are also intentional mental states that represent how the agent would like the world to be.