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For any bee sting the most important thing to do first is to remove the sting if it has been left behind because it can continue to inject venom for a minute or more after the bee has gone. Do not use tweezers or grip the sting between finger and thumb because if you do so you risk squeezing more venom into the wound. Scrape the sting out using your thumbnail or something like the back of a knife or the edge of a credit card.

A piriton or similar anti-histamine tablet will help reduce swelling, and if the sting is painful a paracetamol tablet may help. An ice compress can also be used on the sting site.

For the biggest majority of people a bee sting is just a painful nuisance, but a very few people are hypersensitive to bee venom and can react more strongly. If a person feels dizzy or nauseous he should sit down and rest until the feeling passes. In an extreme case the victim may go into anaphylactic shock where blood pressure drops dramatically and tissues in the throat swell making breathing difficult. In this case medical help is very urgentlyrequired.

the only thing wrong with this is ...... everything not just one thing everuything so weird i do not like this

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Q: What is the best First aid for a ground bee sting?
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Finding first aid certification online isn't the best way to learn, because alot of the training is hands on. The following are some links that do offer First Aid online.

What Need for first aid?

When a person with severe injuries or illnesses, which require emergency department facilities for treatment, are to be transported directly to the Medical. But Persons who are less serious injuries or illnesses should obtain treatment with first aid.

What can you use in the woods as first aid KIT?

There are first aid kits made especially for hiking, camping, etc. They normally consist of bandages, cold packs, gauze, tape, splints, first aid field guides that explain how to treat injuries, sting relief swabs or spray, burn gel, scissors, tweezers, hemostats, aspirin, pepto bismol, CPR mask and similar items.

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You can find first aid training online from a lot of different websites. One of the best is St John's Ambulance which provide all different kinds of first aid training.

Where would you find a first aid kit sign?

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What jellyfish can sting worse than a whole nestful of wasps?

Forgive my spelling, but I think you're talking about the Iricongea.Probably the worst jellyfish sting comes from chironex flecterii aka the box jellyfish. Without prompt first aid, (and/or hospitalisation) it can kill. It is found mostly around Australia.