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Q: What is the best answer to the question does your child have allergies to foods and other substances?
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Those being prescribed calcium channel blockers should take what action if they have allergies?

The physician should also be notified about any allergies to foods, dyes, preservatives, or other substances.

What foods should someone with a nickel allergy avoid?

Don't eat jewelryPerhaps a better way of looking at it would be to list the foods to avoid. Notwithstanding that, it's strange that you should ask that question, because nickel allergies are CONTACT allergies that cause skin problems. You don't hear people asking about nickel allergies with regard to ingesting substances, unless you swallowed a pair of cheap earrings. Don't touch nickel-containing substances. And don't wear inexpensive jewelry.-that is not true nickel allergies is only a contact allergies but also alot of food contain nickel like chocolate, nuts and leafy vegetable's, and alot more you should definitely make a list of this you can and can not eat and you may have to go on a nickel free diet

How many allergies are there in the world?

There are many different allergies, as people can be allergic to a wide range of substances including foods, pollen, medications, and animal dander. Estimates suggest there are over 170 different known food allergens alone.

What are food allergies and what foods normally cause allergies?

Nuts eggs and the immune system

Approximately how many people in the US suffer from allergies?

Around 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, which can range from mild symptoms to severe reactions. Allergies are caused by the body's immune system reacting to substances like pollen, pet dander, or certain foods.

What information does a physician need to know before he starts supportive cancer therapy on a patient?

The physician should also be told about any allergies to foods, dyes, preservatives, or other substances.

Is this dealibg with science Are there blood foods?

There are blood foods because this is how they test an individual for allergies. Some foods are better for you than others and some foods contain allergens to certain people. Without being tested, however, you will not know whether or not you have allergies to certain foods.

Do One Direction have allergies?

No they do not, they just don't like some foods.

What are the prevention and protection against allergies?

Prevention of allergies can start as early as when a mother is pregnant. Taking the necessary vitamins and eating healthy and keeping your body safe from hazardous toxics that could harm a baby makes a big difference before the child is even born. Protection against allergies is being very informed -- of both what a person is allergic to and where those allergies could be found in foods, animals, or environment. It is easy to protect yourself against allergies if you do not expose yourself to them.

What are One Directions allergies?

The boys are not allergic to anything but they do dislike alot of foods :)

What are good foods for children with allergies?

It really depends on the allergies and dietary concerns your son has. Consult his pediatrician or an allergist for specific details that deal with his diet.

How are allergies linked to bed-wetting?

In rare cases, allergies or intolerances to certain foods-such as dairy products, citrus products, or chocolate-can cause bed-wetting.