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Any car you can step up into, for example, a van.

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Q: What is the best car for someone with back pain?
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If you run into the back of someone's car, you are responsible for the accident.

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What is the best car to drive if you have back pain?

an omega cdx/elite is extremly comfy, leathers are great and you also got heated seats and loads of seat positions that are electric controled with memory posisions broke my back in 3 places and its the best i have had

Where is the Best place to put car seat?

In the back row of your car is the best place.

How do you get my car back after repo?

ask someone who knows

Where can one get a car back support for the driver's seat?

Car back supports for the driver's seats are available from retailers such as Amazon and eBay. Additionally, RelaxTheBack is a well known back pain solutions company that sells car back supports.

Why is the back of your car soaked?

The back of your car is probably soaked because of either condensation of the windows or the fact that someone wet the back seats.

If you are a guest in somebodies house and they back in to your car whose fault is it?

Being a guest in someone's house has nothing to do with car insurance. If someone backs into your car then their car insurance is responsible.

What is the car break?

its where the car breaks in half when someone in the back seat is trying to kill the driver