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Bengals are great because they have pelts rather than fur. They don't shed much either. I have Asthma and have not been affected by my 1 year old brown spotted Bengal. Usually I'm wheezey and sniffy (I also have a cat allergy!) when around cats. We just got a snow spotted Bengal kitten and I'm a bit sniffy so go for a brown spotted Bengal! They do cost a lot but once you buy one you'll never even think about the money! They are also great cats for kids as they are VERY playful and up for anything. Get a boy because they are just cuddlier (my opinion only!). Take care with breeders. If it's too cheap don't buy it because it might be dodgy. Good luck! Nicky (UK)

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12y ago

If a person has asthma which can be triggered by cats it is best not to get one for them at all.

Siberian cats and some others produce lower levels of Fel d1, the protein in the cats' saliva that allergic people are really allergic to. Some people will still have an allergic reaction, depending on how bad their Allergies are and the level of Fel d1 in the particular individual cat. If you really want to get a cat for a person with allergies, find a Siberian cat breeder and get a Siberian. You can use small fur samples from the cats from the breeder to see which one doesn't cause an allergic reaction, then get the cat to which the fur belongs to. Good luck. :)

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What is the best cat for a child?

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It depends, some do not shed much and others do.

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A ferret they have the quilty of a dog and cat + more of there own.

What is the best cat for a younger child?

As cute as kittens are, a young child would do better with a cat that is six months or older--just more hardy. You would, of course, supervise the child with the cat. My Maine coon type cat is full of play and personality. The downside is his long hair, but a quick brushing every once in a while works.

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Tabby's seem to always be very friendly and cuddly, but there is no proven 'best children's cat." Tabby's seem to be in story books a lot so littler kids might think of that when you say cat.

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Kitten is a baby domestic cat. Cub is a baby big cat.

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Can you get hookworm from your cat?

Humans generally do not get hookworm from their cat or dog. If the cat vomits or excretes worms and this is cleaned up immediately, it poses no risk to humans. The cat should see a vet for treatment. *If you have young children, it can be possible for the child to ingest a hookworm egg from the cat's feces or vomit. But that would mean the child has touched the vomit or feces and then put the child put their fingers into the child's mouth.

What is the phrase 'cat child' when translated from English to Japanese?

'Cat child' may be translated as猫の子 (neko no ko) in Japanese.

What cat breed is best?

There is no best cat breed, as it depends on your opinion.

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'can cat hair affect an unborn child'?

No, but I've herd about cat's pee or poop (i don't remember what one) having negative affects on unborn and newborn baby's. best to have someone else scoop the litter box