

What is the best college to study for vet school?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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There is no single "best" college to attend for your pre-veterinary medicine required courses - any accredited college or university will be fine. The important part is to make sure you have completed all required courses to apply to vet school at this college.

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Q: What is the best college to study for vet school?
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What is the best college to becoming a vetinarian?

San Fransisco StandFord Univiersity Is the perfect college to study for vet school.

Do you have to have a high school deploma to be a vet?

Yeah, and you have to have a college degree in a science related area of study. And then you have to go to vet school for a couple more years after you get your undergraduate degree. Unless you mean "vet" as in veteran. Somebody who served in the military forces. Then you just need high school or a GED certificate.

What should i study in high school or college if you want to become an vet?

medical stuff, ya know....the suff you would study to be a docter.You would study for medical school, for 3 to 4 years into becoming a vet it also depends but part your taking to become a vet. example: your studying to become a vet sergun that will take 4 years if you are wanting to become a rescuer take will take 2 to 3 years . good luck to you vets. I recomend these colleges to study at, standford must have a 4.0, at least a university. berkely is an excellent college

How old will you be to become a vet?

You need to go to college for 2 years so if its straight after GCSE's youll be 18 then you study at vet school for 5/6years and at that point you sould be either 23/24

Is there any school that offer study to become a Vet Technician in New York City?

There are many schools in New York City that offer a study program to become a vet technician. Mercy College, New York offers a B.S. in Veterinary Technology.

Is vet tech institute a college?

Vet tech institute is a for-profit private career school. It is not a state funded college.

What does a vet have to do to be a vet?

well, you have to go to college and get a vet degree. you have to study the bones, muscles and so forth. you need to get good grades in school and don't let anyone try to get you pregnant or try to get you to get them pregnant in school. focus on being a vet first. give it all your effort. don't think that this is too much because it isn't!

How do you become a vet for horses?

You would have to know a lot about horses, then study to become a large animal vet at a college.

Is there any school that offer study to get a Vet Tech Certification in New York City?

If someone is inclined to study the medicine of animals, he or she can study and write the test for the certificate in veterinary technology at LaGuardia community college in New York.

Do you have to go to high school to be a veterinarian?

Yes, and college as well as vet school.

What education is needed to become a vet in the palmbay Melbourne area?

to be a vet another 4 years in vet school after college is required

Which university is best to qualify to be a vet?

I believe that any college will work as long a you have a positive attitude about it Universty of Micigan is a really good school for that