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Your arms in a hanging position by your sides,move your shoulders toward your neck and squeeze at the top position and relax.

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Q: What is the best exercise for the trapezius?
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What muscles does upright rows work out?

The upright row is a weight training exercise. This exercise involves the trapezius, the deltoids and the biceps. The narrower the grip the more the trapezius muscles are exercised, as opposed to the deltoids.

What two muscles that protect the scapula?

Retraction= Middle trapezius Elevation= Upper trapezius

Which muscle pulls the shoulder backward and downward?


How do you improve trapezius muscle?

Try shoulder shrugs using weights. This exercise is excellent for working the traps. Secondary stress is placed on the forearms from gripping the weights.

What is the function of trapezius?

The function/role for the trapezius is for moving your head sideways and for shrugging your shoulders. A good exercise to strengthen the traps. is to do the upper trap stretch. Sit on a chair and then put your left hand behind you. Tilt your head so your right ear moves to your right shoulder and then just repeat.

Where are the trapezius and the deltoids?

The trapezius is an upper back/neck muscle and the deltoids are shoulder muscles

What muscle is used when shrugging your shoulders?

A number of muscles are involved in shrugging your shoulders, including the latissiumus dorsi, the deltoids, the rhomboids, the scapular muscles, the biceps, the triceps, among others. The primary muscle is the upper trapezius muscle. The secondary muscles are the middle trapezius muscles and the levator scapulae.

How can you stretch the trapezius muscle?

show some good trapezius exercises for people who are constantly keyboarding

What muscle moves the scapula forward and rotates scapula upward?

You can't have one muscle that both elevates AND depresses a bone. So your question is a little confusing, Upward rotation: Serratus anterior, Upper and lower fibers of trapezius Retraction (adduction): Middle fibers of trapezius, rhomboid major and minor Elevation: Upper fibers of trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor Depression: Lower fibers of trapezius Let me know if I left any out but this should be all of them! Trevor .............................. the above answer is incomplete........ The trapezius is antagonist to itself, in that it can both elevate and depress the scapula

A muscle located on the dorsal side of the body?

Latissimus dorsi, Trapezius, the 2 Rhomboideus

What muscles can be antagonistic to themselves?

Trapezius - it elevates and depresses the scapula.

Is boxing the best source of exercise?

Boxing is certainly great exercise, but there is no best form of exercise.