

Best Answer

The Best Internet Marketing Company is the one that is the right fit for you!

Here's how to choose the right internet marketing company for you:

Choosing the wrong company can cost you thousands, and get you ZERO results.

To make certain you get a great Return on Your Investment, ask the right questios!

1) Show me proof you can do this.

a) I want to see highly competitive key word search phrases you competed for, and got to the top of Google

b) I want to see proof you know how to convert a visitor into a sale so show me some examples of how you convert the traffic into a lead or sale.

c) Show me a white paper of one of your clients, where they started with low traffic, and within months are getting a higher volume UNIQUE visitors.

Without proof, an Internet Marketing Company doesn't have much.

Then, ask:

How many clients do you have currently?

How many hours can you dedicate to ongoing search engine optimization?

How will you track my unique visitors?

Can you send me a monthly report?

Will you send me recommendations if you see new keyword phrases getting higher volume?

Really great internet marketers are already making money. They are already pretty successful. So choose someone who is passionate about your product, and maybe who has skin in the game...makes more money based on conversions. Though I do admit, that's rare.

Usually, search engine optimizers are just concerned about traffic, and let it up to their clients to worry about converting a visitor into a lead or a sale. So it's good to have this discussion up front.

Also, make certain that you are able to manage your Internet Marketing project. Don't hire somene and walk away thinking they will be in charge, and the work will get done. You have to micro-manage it a bit, and read your statistics. If you don't, there is no way to tell if your Internet Marketing Company will be doing this on your behalf. If all they are concerne about is "unique visitors", and getting you to the top of google, it's not enough!

Make certain you ask about their social media skills. You may want to inquire about their email marketing skills too. A well-rounded internet marketing company will look at the big picture and see how your SEO will work with your Social Media and how it will work with your email marketing. It's a global plan. One thing, may work better than the other depending on your product and/or service.

Make sure you hire someone that works within Google Guidelines. Hiring a blackhat artist is a bit scary to me. Google penalties can be tough. And cost you lots of money.

A new huge element is your Online Reputation Management. If your company is having a hard time with its online reputation, well, it has to be planned from the "Big Picture" on how to handle that. Again, good SEO, social media, and good planning, can save you thousands of dollars in orders, just by handling the bad stuff online.

The Best Internet Marketing Company has to be the one that's RIGHT for you! If it's charging 150K for a project, it may be the best, but not right for your budget! Big things can be done on small budgets! Lots of successful internet marketers can prove that. So Make Certain:

1) it's the right fit for you in terms of budget

2) it's the right fit for you in terms of being excited about what it is you offer

3) it's the right fit for you in terms of them having the TIME to afford to you amongst all their clients

4) it's the right fit for you in terms of having proof they can execute this for you.

  • Always get 3 Requests for quotes - compare and analyse
  • Always ask for proof
  • Make certain the company is solvent (they won't go out of business)
  • Make certain they can grow with you - maybe give a bonus for reaching certain outcomes
  • Make certain they are deeply committed to you as a client (they won't drop you for someone bigger)

Do your due diligence! If you are unsure how to manage your online project, take an internet marketing business training seminar! A small investment can bring you a big ROI!

If you are a small to medium sized business, then think about hiring one of the best Internet Marketing Training Company - likrun by Internet Marketing Expert and CEO Paul Tobey. People can preview a Marketing & Mastery seminar for free through various business to business conventions, conferences, and meetings.

This type of training could save you thousands of dollars and thousands of hours going in the wrong direction.

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Typically this question is asked my someone who knows little to nothing about e-business or marketing. The common problem can be finding the right information as many people will lead you in the wrong direction to make a buck.

The key is using the resources available on the Internet. USE ALEXA to research and do a background check on websites who contact you or that you are considering doing business with. Alexa is the hub for website information for any website online.

If a site has a traffic rank in the millions they are not well respected or an authority in their field of business. See the related external link for an example of a highly respected e-business and marketing company who rank high on Alexa.

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12y ago

It is hard to say who is the best internet marketing firm. There are so many and each have something the makes them different from the others. Its kind of trial and error until you find the one that suits your needs.

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Internet Marketing Firms Build Big Business?

In order to compete in today’s business world, every business, large and small, needs a web presence. A web site is no longer just a way to keep in touch with customers, but part of a whole new field of marketing and advertising. Successful businesses know how to use the power of the internet to their advantage, while staying current and connected. One of the greatest helps to any business, but especially smaller enterprises hoping to use the power of the Internet to expand, lies in hiring an internet marketing firm. If you don’t really know what an internet marketing firm is, don’t worry, you’re not alone. While many companies hire internet marketing firms, the work they do is often only visible behind the scenes. After all, the best internet marketing firms make it appear as if a company is too successful to require one. The key purpose of an internet marketing firm is to get your company out there, and make sure it’s getting noticed. There are millions of pages on the Internet today, and simply building a great website isn’t going to let potential customers know that you are out there. Results are only possible when your company’s website is getting noticed, so Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to your overall success. Search Engine Optimization is simply the process of getting your business to the top of the search results on sites like Google. Billions of searches are conducted every day, so if you are a florist with an online storefront, what is going to distinguish you from your competitors? How can you get your business to appear on page 1, instead of page 17? This is where hiring an internet marketing firm gives you a huge advantage. The firm meets with you, performs an analysis of your website, and comes up with a plan for driving more traffic to your page, as well as working to move it up the Google Page Rankings. In addition, the firm will keep an eye on your competitors, letting you know who is cutting in to your market share, and how best to woo clients to your door. An internet marketing firm is a bit like a press agent for your company’s web page. Much like Hollywood celebrities owe a lot of success to their publicists and agents, your company can benefit from an internet marketing firm working to make your presence known around the globe.