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K lets start off with Death they r good you can pretty much solo with death except for death monsters and stuff they can solo they got good dmg and drained health which is awesome so if you half live than really good but if you get to lvl 26 i get satyr and save training points for spirit blade, reshuffle ( just in case if you need it to solo big dungeons), tower shield idk if you need it, and save the rest for celestia train for star. if you dont know what is star than click on this link

Fire they are similar to storm but a little bit more accuracy and little bit more health and they do good dmg good in pvp 1 vs 1 idk about pvp that much but they do DoT ( Damage over Time ) they r good getting rid of shield good school they can do high dmg to.

Ice god they have a lot of health they r excellent Survivor and a lot of resistance they r hard to kill i mean like really hard depends on what lvl is the ice is sadly they have weak dmg :( but they can train for sun school get it up to full dmg sun not accuracy than they be good :D also since this is 2012 you heard about the world zafaria they got berserk really good go full ice or half life again train up to satyr oh and new world is coming up avalon :D new spell is coming :D.

Storm over power which is good but sadly they suffer a lot of accuracy and low health :( but when you get to lvl 60 and get waterworks gear complete set for storm than you have 95% accuracy the complete set r 25% total accuracy add 70%+25%=95% so they get a little bit higher health too so you will never fizzle or suffer that much again they r good in pvp i think in 4v4 but not soloing sadly because soloing a dungeon by yourself is hard the only thing you will need is train up to tower shield, fairy or satyr either one, reshuffle again, elemental blade, elemental traps,and after that again full sun full dmg also get berserk, mend 20% outgoing spell which is good, amplify defense just in case, vengeance critical oh yea :D storm gets a lot of critical so kaboom monsters dies quicker, and dont mention they have high dmg stats to so you can be beast and kill quicker storm is awesome isn't it? :D.

Life good health and best accuracy of all but sadly not that much attack spell n not that much dmg but train half death, berserk, mend of course if you r tanking hard bosses, and tower shield so since life is not that much of pvper they r pve which they r supporter best in groups and best healing of all of course they r life :D.

Myth idk you will choose myth as a school to play they r best in 4v4 which let opponents do blade and shield cast you earthquake and than there they will be dead not actually dead but waste of their time to cast blade and shield they not that great but good in pvp 4v4 idk if i recomend as a solo class.

Balance no boost dmg :( but they will on lvl 48 n 68 they are really good for either solooing or pvp or both they but sadly not that much blade to cast i mean like they only cast balance blade and other balance blade to friends thats there to blade the elemental, spirit, dont count they count on higher lvl including trap again tanking and supporter no half only full balance again n again full dmg sun, star, and tower shield.

Professional healer Brandon Winterstalker best at healing n in pvp best at healing which made people mad :p i am at lvl 70 almost done with zafaria and waiting for avalon

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12y ago
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12y ago

There is no best school. Everyone has a weakness and a strong suit. But, it is a good idea to have the opposite school to yours because monsters of your school resist your spells and boost to the opposite. It makes a huge difference after MB and especially in DS and CL.

Keira Dreamleaf lvl 46 storm!

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12y ago

To be honest, there is no 'best' wizard type on wizard 101. People may have their preferences, though. However, you can probably get the most out of the free ice, fire or storm spells if you register with that particular school.

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11y ago

Storm is strongest class in wizard101.It have the strongest spells and low resistance but the spells are all good and strong.Use gargantuan and use any of high level spell, and the boss will die fast.

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14y ago

Any School is the best. Most people prefer Storm because of its high damage capability, and reject Ice more because of its weaker attacks. Every school has its advantages and disadvantages, although every school but ice is also required to have life as a secondary/backup school due to their weakness in health. Ice on the other hand, could use a boost from storm or death due to its low damage capabilities.

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