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Running. Without a doubt, getting away from the threat is the best option. Being able to avoid the threat before it is an issue is even better.

If you are looking for what martial art to take, the most important aspect is the one you will study seriously and for the requisite amount of time.

If there is no way to avoid conflict krav maga, if you can find it, is probably the best form of self defence for todays society. Krav maga is the official self defence of Isralie defence force. It teaches you to diarm men with modern day weapons like guns.

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Q: What is the best method of self defence for someone who has never taken a self defence class before?
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How do you access a base class method from a derived class in Cpp?

Use the scope resolution operator (::) to explicitly call the base class method. Note that the base class method must be protected or public in order for a derived class to access it. Private members are only accessible to the class itself and to friends of the class, regardless of whether the derivative uses public, protected or private inheritance. It is quite normal for a base class to provide a "default" implementation for a virtual method for which a derived class may override. Although the derived class will generally provide its own implementation of the method, it may also call the base class method either before, during or after performing its own implementation. The following shows minimal class declarations demonstrating a call to a protected base class method from a derived class override. class base { protected: // accessible to all instances of this class, its friends and its derivatives. virtual void method(){ /* do something */ } }; class derived : public base { public: // full-accessible outside of class. virtual void method(){ /* do something (or do nothing) */ base::method(); // call base class method. /* do something else (or do nothing) */ } };

What is the purpose of method overriding?

Assuming class A has a method named getXXX() and class B is a sub class of class A. Now, if we write a method with the same name getXXX() in class B, with exactly the same signature as class A, it is called overriding a method. The method getXXX() in class A becomes the overridden method.

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A class is the definition of a type, from which objects can be instantiated. A method is a function of a class.

What is a class method?

A class is the definition of a type, from which objects can be instantiated. A method is a function of a class.

What is the use of static in public static void main?

The static keyword signifies that the method belongs to the class and not any of its objects. Hence, the JVM does not have to create an object of that class before beginning execution. Imagine how the JVM would create an object and invokes its method even before the class execution starts. That is why the main method is static and is the starting point of any java application.

What happen if Private is applied to a method in a class?

The method is only accessible to the class and friends of the class.

Tell about static method?

in java a method is said to be static if 'static 'keyword is used before the method name . foe ex.- static void show(){ ........ } this method has the following property-- 1. it can invoke only a static method. 2. it can't be reffered using keyword 'this','super'. 3.static method can access only a STATIC MEMBER VARIABLE or STATIC CLASS VARIABLE . 4. there should not be static & non static version of a nethod in a class . 5.static method can be used before the creation of d object of dt class.

Does Every class has a toString method and an equals method inherited from the Object class?

Yes - in Java, every class has this method, which is inherited from the Object class. Often, the inherited method does nothing particularly useful, but you can override it with your own implementation.

How you compare and contrast overloading and overriding methods in java?

Method overloading is when you have multiple methods in a class that have the same name but a different signature. Method overriding is similar to method overloading, with a small difference. In overriding, a method in a parent class is overridden in the child class. The method in the child class will have the same signature as that of the parent class. Since the method in the child class has the same signature & name as the method of its parent class, it is termed as overriding. In situations where you may have to explicitly call the parent class method you can use the "super" keyword and for explicitly calling the current objects method you can use the "this" keyword.

What is function overriding in Java?

Method overriding is similar to method overloading, with a small difference. In overriding, a method in a parent class is overridden in the child class. The method in the child class will have the same signature as that of the parent class. Since the method in the child class has the same signature & name as the method of its parent class, it is termed as overriding. In situations where you may have to explicitly call the parent class method you can use the "super" keyword and for explicitly calling the current objects method you can use the "this" keyword.

Can a private method be overridden?

No. A method that is declared as private in a class is not inherited by any other class and hence if another class that extends this class declares a method with the same name and signature, it does not mean that this method is overridden. It is an entirely separate entity.