

What is the best small pet for kids. Rabbits. Guinea Pigs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I Would Say The Best Is Guinea Pigs Because They Are Easy Work And A lot Easier To Handle.

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Q: What is the best small pet for kids. Rabbits. Guinea Pigs?
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Can rabbits go with guinea pigs?

YesA Guinea Pigs Best-Friend Would Be A Rabbit. Especially If Your Guinea Pigs Fight The Rabbit Will Cause A Nice Connecton Through The Hutch Or Cage !!!!x

Do guinea pigs and dwarf rabbits get along?

It is best that guinea pigs are kept with other guinea pigs rather than rabbits as rabbits do not speak "cavy" and guinea pigs like to have others of their own species to talk to. Rabbits tend to spray, and guinea pigs are animals that like to be clean and as hygienic as possible. They also cant share food, as rabbit food contains an anti-coccidostat (ACS) which will shorten a guinea pigs lifespan by poisoning it's internal organs. Although they would probably be OK together, it will be better for the guinea pig if they are kept apart- having said that, there are cases of rabbits and guinea pigs getting on very well and living happily together. It depends on how the guinea pig and the rabbit get on. Hope this was helpful :)

Can guinea pigs eat jelly?

As an occasional treat, using yogurt drops meant for rabbits should be fine, however you must keep in mind, that guinea pigs require a different diet than rabbits, and you should if able, purchase drops for guinea pigs.

What is the best small animal shelter for guinea pigs?

Cage: Midwest guinea habitat.... hut: plastic igloo

Are guinea pigs good family animals?

They are one off the best family animals next to dogs!!they are loverly creatures and love to have company and cuddles they love to talk to you as you stroke them!they are great for little children as they love to play.It is rather good if the guinea pig has comperny of the other sex guinea pig. i know this from exspearyence as i hd once a guinea pig and he was just the best !!!! until he died . guinea pigs are musch better than rabbits hamsters rats and other small animals . the whole famiuly will adore guinea pigs!i hope this helps

How do female pigs act around other female pigs?

Very well, they often become the best of friends, so you can trust them to be together, but not with any rabbits or male guinea pigs! Because they fight !

Are the guinea pigs you adopt from petco sick?

They can be. Its best if you get guinea pigs at a shelter.

What rodents can you mix eg hamsters gerbils guinea pigs rabbits chinchillas degus mice rats?

You shouldn't really mix rodents because each and every one is a separate species and has its own dietary and housing needs. If you are going to mix any two species , the best would be guinea pigs and rabbits.

Would it hurt a guinea pig to eat hamster food?

It can. Guinea pigs have differentnutritionalneeds than hamsters. Guinea pigs need a diet high in vitamin C. Also guinea pigs can choke on nuts and seeds. Best to stick with guinea pig food for guinea pigs. Try to avoid food with seeds andkernelseven if it isadvertisedfor guinea pigs as it is best to stick with pellets. Guinea pigs have a differentdigestivesystem opposed to hamsters. Be sure to have hay available for guinea pigs for them to graze when they want. Timothy hay is the main part of their diet.AlfalfaHay is best left to baby guinea pigs as it has highcalcium. Orchard hay is well liked among guinea pigs.

Which is Best Rabbits or Guinea Pigs?

Rabbits need way more care with their body as well as cage changes every week. They also need to be held at least 30 minutes each day. So if you are not looking forward to doing that, go with a rabbit. But rabbits are harder to take care of than guinea pigs.

What age can guinea pigs babies?

The best age to breed your guinea-pigs is 5 months to a year old.

Is oxbow a good brand for guinea pigs?

yes oxbow is the best brand for any small pet all of my guinea pig stuff is oxbow it is recommended for all small pets my guinea pigs are very healthy and happy and they eat oxbow essentials pellets recommended by my vet hope it helps!!