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Q: What is the best test to determine an under active thyroid?
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What is the best test for thyroid cancer?

The most accurate diagnostic tool for thyroid cancer is a biopsy. In this process a sample of thyroid tissue is withdrawn and examined under a microscope by a pathologist. This usually takes a day or so.

In thyroid what is t3 t4 test what is the best way to track hypo thyroid?

T3 is triiodothyronine, and is the active form of the hormone secreted by the thyroid. T4 (thyroxine) is another form of thyroid hormone which must be converted to T3 by your body via the deiodinase enzyme. Although T3 is active, your body produces much more T4. The best way to monitor low thyroid function is by looking at TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH will be high if the thyroid is not producing enough T3/T4. For the majority of hypothyroid cases, only TSH needs to be monitored. For hyperthyroidism and some hard to treat hypothyroid cases, the doctor will test T3 and T4.

Do you need to increase or decrease dosage with high thyroid readings?

Assuming that you are taking thyroid medication to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroid or Hashimoto's), if you have a high thyroid reading chances are your endocrinologist will recommend that you take a lower dose of thyroid medication. Talk with your endocrinologist about your test results, as well as any symptoms you are experiencing so that they can help determine the best dose for you.

How to treat a thyroid storm?

A thyroid storm usually results when hyperthyroidism is present, and infection or stress causes these symptoms to worsen. A thyroid storm can cause high blood pressure, delirium, fever, and in extremely rare cases heart failure. The best thing to do is to consult your physician right away so that they can determine the best course of action to treat this condition.

Can you go on the pill with an over active thyroid?

Birth Control Pills (BCP) can sometimes be used if the patient has an overactive thyroid, however the patient's doctor is the best one to help her decide if this is the right decision for her particular health circumstances. It may not be a viable option for all.

Recognizing Impaired Thyroid Symptoms?

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck that releases hormones that help regulate the body's metabolism. Thyroid disease is categorized as either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, and at least 30 million people in the United States alone are diagnosed with the disease in some form. The key phrase is "diagnosed with the disease" as many people suffer with the problem, but the cause of their ailment remains unknown. A simple blood test performed by one's healthcare provider offers confirmation of the disease's presence within a person's body. However, there are a few often ignored symptoms that indicate a problem with one's thyroid gland. Unexplained Weight Fluctuations Sometimes people gain weight without increasing their dietary intake or decreasing their physical activity. These people often start dieting or attempting to exercise more to stave off the increasing pounds. They do not realize that they may be experiencing an imbalance in their thyroid caused by a condition known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the medical term for an under active thyroid that is not secreting enough thyroid hormones to properly regulate the body's metabolism. A sluggish metabolism means that calories are not being burned efficiently by the body. In contrast, an unexpected loss in weight could indicate a condition called hyperthyroidism which is the medical term for an over active thyroid gland. Diminished Emotional Health When otherwise healthy and joyful people experience uncommon depression, one of the first tests that should be conducted is a thyroid evaluation. Before patients allow medical professionals to prescribe powerful anti-depressant drugs to treat their mood swings, they should request a blood test to confirm that their thyroid is operating optimally. Whether a patient experiences an over or an under active thyroid, the disease is completely treatable with surgery or hormone replacement therapy. Other Physical Changes A person suffering from an under active thyroid gland often experiences the symptom of fatigue and sensitivity to cold. In contrast, an over active thyroid gland results in increased heart rates and palpitations. Hypothyroidism left unchecked has the potential of producing unsightly yet benign goiters at the location of the thyroid gland in the neck. However, a goiter caused by hyperthyroidism is potentially harmful as this enlarged gland secretes undue amounts of thyroid hormones. The causes of thyroid problems vary but include a poor diet deficient in iodine, the presence of an autoimmune disease, or a genetic abnormality. When thyroid disease is suspected, it is best to get a medical evaluation to ensure that one does not have an even more serious condition like thyroid cancer.

Can hypothyroidism be treated with iodine supplements?

It may, but most people get plenty of iodine from a healthy diet, especially if they eat sea food on occasion and use iodized salt. Most likely there are other factors that are contributing to your hypothyroidism that usually involves a lower production of thyroid hormones T3 and/or T4. It's best to talk to your doctor and see what he/she recommends.

What contraceptive is best when you have thyroid cancer?

iud,I think...

How do you determine which of the three vegetables grow best under artificial light by using the scientific method?

By putting the plants under the light and seeing which one does better.

What is the daily recommended dose for levothyroxine?

Each person taking thyroid replacement hormone has a personally tailored recommended daily dose of levothyroxine, or another medication. Your doctor will run tests and determine the best dosage for you. Some doctors base the dosage on weight, others base it on the type of thyroid disease you have and the results of your thyroid hormone levels as well as TSH. Very often, you will have to return to the doctor for more testing until your dosage is established.

What does thyroid level o 0.901 mean?

For the thyroid stimulating hormone test, a .901 means you are within the normal range. If this is the result of the free thyroxine blood test, a .901 is also in the normal range. Make sure to talk with your doctor to best determine what the .901 represents depending upon your symptoms and the type of blood test(s) they ordered.

How should I prepare during pre-bariatric surgery?

The first thing anyone should do before attempting to lose weight is consult your family physician and have a full work up. This way, you can determine if there are any health reasons you may not be able to lose weight on your own, such as a thyroid condition. After that, it would be best to consult a nutritionist and a physical trainer to determine the best way to lose the weight.