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i just gave her grape wine from the super market on the phone every day. just one gives her 500lp. so just give her one a day, also if u need money go to the harvest sprits home and have two of them during the winter stay at the lake beside ninas house and the next two days u should have 999999999 dollars. use that money to buy 99 bottles of wine.

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Q: What is the best thing to give to muffy on harvest moon ds?
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How do you get muffy to like you on harvest moon?

give her chocolate and wine every day and if you a harvest sprite and muffy to like you buy ten drinks at the blue bar for five nights and you get her to like you and you get a harvest sprite... hope ive helped...

What is Muffy like in Harvest moon DS?

Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!

In harvest moon ds how can you keep Muffy to still love you even after your married?

Give her gifts she likes and talk to her daily. That will Keep Muffy loving you after you are married.

How do you get muffy's heart rate up on harvest moon ds?

give her gifts that she likes everyday.

How do you get chocolate from muffy on harvest moon DS?

On Winter 14th is the Winter Thanksgiving Festival. If Muffy has a Purple heart Color or higher she will visit your house and give you Chocolate as a gift.

How do you egt married on harvest moon with muffy?

ok i went for muffy to but you have to give her lots of gifts talk to her alot and give her the fish ONLY from the water fall none other and always check her diary it is in the bar in the far left corner by the flowers

How do you marry miffy on harvest moon?

If you want to marry muffy all you have to do is give her chocolate and wine everyday {not on holidays } and she will be yours in less then 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you get Muffy up to Red Heart in harvest moon ds?

Talk to her daily, Don't litter, give her items she likes, and take advantage of her birthday.

When time does muffy get off of work in harvest moon a wonderful life?

I believe Muffy gets off work at 3:00, or 4:00, she'll then leave and go to the Inn, and then she'll go back, at, like five, so it's more of a break, if you want to give her gifts, the best time would be once the blue bar lets you in, and they're in the back room.

How do you make muffy love you on harvest moon?

You need to raise her love points, and one way is to buy wine from karens shop, and give it to muffy everyday. Just once a day though. then you need to activate her heart events. Check this website out. it helps

How do you make Muffy like you on harvest moon ds?

Easy enough. She likes wine, chocolate, diamonds and MORE! Here is a great courting guide: Give her favorite things to her every day, and talk to her.

What is the best thing you could give a dog?

The big thing you can give a dog is the biggest bone ever. The best thing you could give a dog is your undying devotion.