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This is training and repetition. Lets say you have to go to work in the am. YOu walk them then, you walk them as soon as you get home, you walk them about an 1/2 hour to hour after each feeding and then you walk them before bedtime. You keep the same routine day after day. If the dog is afraid to go outside, you must associate things that make them happy inside with the outside. You dont leave food and water down for them 24 hours a day. You leave a little water when your out of the home but other than that you only put water down when you feed. Take them to a doggy park and get them to get used to smells of other dogs, that can turn on the faucet quickly. If when they finally do go, whether it one or two try to get a sample and bring it to the vet. Maybe they are constipated or have a urinary tract problem. Good Luck

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14y ago

You need to start out as if he is a brand new puppy. Crate training is a very successful method of housebreaking. Any time the dog is not being actively supervised, he should be in the crate. Every time he comes out of the crate, take him out for a potty break. After any activity, such as eating, sleeping or playing, he needs to go out. Every time he does go potty in the proper location, praise, praise, praise. If he starts to go in an incorrect location, make a loud noise to startle him and tell him, "Not there." Then take him immediately outside. It might take quite a while to show some improvement. But you have to be patient. A dog who has never learned to go outside by one year old has a pretty deeply ingrained habit. Never hit or punish the dog for accidents. They just don't know what is expected of them yet.

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12y ago

I assume you mean train your dog to toilet outside?

As with all training, you reward behaviour that you like and IGNORE behaviour that is not acceptable. You must never deliberately punish or hurt your dog or you will never have a good relationship with it.

Teach your dog to toilet on command, so once it has eaten, woken from sleep, finished playing etc - take it outside and tell it to 'go potty' or whatever word/phrase you wish to use(but it must be the same word/phrase every time). Make a huge fuss and reward it as soon as it performs so that it knows what behaviour you like.

If it is a pup, take it out EVERY HOUR as well each time it eats / drinks / sleeps / plays and tell it to 'go potty' and reward it if it performs.

If it wets / soils indoors - clean up the mess, deodorise the spot and give YOURSELF a telling off for not watching your dog more closely. :)

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Q: What is the best way to break a dog that is not completely housebroken?
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Do you say the dog is housebroken or housebroke?


How much is a dog worth that isn't potty trained?

Dogs that are not purebred have no commercial value at all; you can sell them for a small fee to help cover your registration, food, and veterinary expenses for the dog's wellbeing. A dog that is not housebroken (dogs are "housebroken" not "potty-trained") does not have any more or less value than any other dog--any dog can be housebroken within 2-3 days with the proper training. If for some reason you are unable to care for or to train this dog, I sincerely hope that you give it to the dog pound or local SPCA or Humane Society--they can house-break the dog and place him or her with a loving family.

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Hopefully, yes.

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that is completely up to you

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When you buy most anything people usually want money in some form... Cash, check, ATM card or Charge card. Sometimes, however, you can barter and offer something else the person wants... or a combination of barter and cash. Buying a young, housebroken dog is pretty much like buying anything... One person buys and the other sells.

How 4 month old dog is still peeing in the house why?

The dog isn't housebroken yet. You have to be patient and continue to work on housebreaking by being consistent with training.

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Dog tags are metal, which is malleable. They are designed not to break. Your best bet would be to use a jewelry saw to cut it in half.

Dog urinating inside?

A dog that is peeing indoors is not housebroken. The fault is not the dog's; the fault is yours because you have not housebroken the dog. Start by talking to a trainer on how to crate-train housebreaking using positive training methods (best results). If your dog was previously housebroken and has started peeing inside, look for signs of sickness, stress, and take him or her to the vet ASAP.

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The best hot dog toaster on the market is a completely subjective opinion. However some of the highest rated hot dog toasters belong to the Nostalgia brand.

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There is no dog breed that cannot be housebroken. Properly trained labs do not soil the house more than any other breed.

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It depends on how insecure they feel. Consult your vet to tips on how to avoid or minimize this problem. It is usually worse when you introduce an adult dog. Puppies are less of a problem.

What do you do with 5.5 year old labrador retriever that has an issue going to the bathroom outside and poops nearly everyday inside what can you do?

If trained properly, almost all Labrador retrievers are fully and completely house-broken by 10 weeks of age. It sounds like your dog has never been housebroken in his almost six years of life--this is your fault and not your dog's. You probably need to hire a reputable dog trainer (look for one who uses "positive training" as their method) to come to your house and teach you how to housebreak your dog and to analyze where the obstacles are in how you have been trying to train your dog previously so you can overcome these.