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You should pan fry it. Dip it into egg, than lightly coat with flour, and pan fry in shortening, add seasonings to taste, salt pepper, etc.

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Q: What is the best way to cook squirrel without letting it marinate over night?
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When does a squirrel sleep?

Late at night.

Has anyone ever seen a wild squirrel at night?

Yes Here is link for a nocturnal squirrel you might find interesting.

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It dies

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Yes u should so that the spices and flavors can have a chance to marinate.

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It is unlikely for the boyfriend's parents to get arrested for letting you stay the night at their house without your parents' permission, unless they are breaking a specific law related to the situation, like harboring a runaway minor. However, it is important to communicate openly with both sets of parents to ensure everyone is comfortable with the situation.

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Eat there damm nuts until night time

What color are flying squirrel eyes at night when caught in light?

If light catchs in the eyes of the flying squirrel during the night, their eyes shine a fiery red glow. It is a fantistic sight to see, two glowing red eyes staring back at you out of a tree in the middle of the night. They are fun to watch and very playful creatures, with surprising speed and grace. They can see in near total dark conditions, with moonshine or without.

What is scratching in attic at night?

I could be a squirrel taking refuge in your attic during the winter. Or it could be a rat.;-)

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u have to secretly follow him without letting huim see u at night only when u find the tresure map on the island and return it to Mayor Hopkins.

Which two animals would go out at night time a squirrel a skunk a turtle or a raccoon?

Raccoons and skunks are nocturnal.