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Hatching or laying. It makes a difference. Hatching eggs is not recommended during the winter months as it takes a few months for the newly hatched chicks to develop feathers. If you have no choice then make sure the brood hen has them in a warm, sheltered spot where she and the chicks are out of the elements of wind, rain, snow and cold.

If you meant laying eggs then keep the lights on in the chicken coop. Hens need 14 hours of light to maintain egg production...this is natures way of making sure the hen does not brood a clutch of eggs during the harsh winter months. Artificial light has changed natures plans and hens can go broody all year long. Maintain a heated area for the hen to keep her chicks alive if she has gone broody.

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Q: What is the best way to help chicken hatch eggs in cold weather?
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Springtime is the usual time to start a hatch. It depends on where you are and the weather conditions. Plan for the clutch to start incubation when temperatures reach above zero continually so the newly hatched chicks do not suffer from extreme cold. Naturally brooded chicks will use the broody hen for a heat source for about 3 weeks after hatch.

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