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It depends on what kind of cage you have. For an aquarium type of thing(like what I have) it is probably best to have 2 people: 1 person holds a garbage bag under the tank and the other holds the tank and tips in over into the bag.( WITH THE GERBILS OUT OF COURSE)

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14y ago
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14y ago

Empty all the used sawdust and bedding out. Spray the cage with a special hamster disinfectant Rise out with boiling water and scrub with kitchen towel. After this replace the sawdust and bedding with new.

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14y ago

The reasoning on him smelling could be two things.

Either you aren't cleaning your hamster enough, or housing them on soft wood shavings(such as pine and cedar, which are both toxic).

Or, your hamster could be ill. Strong odor coming from the hamster, and not the cage, indicates illness or infection. IIf so, it's wise to take your hamster to see an exotics veterinarian

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14y ago

A hamsters cage is never clean! It should be cleaned out once a week at least.

How to clean it out?

Remove all items (toys, chews, food bowl etc) then remove any old bedding, food and sawdust leaving an empty cage. Firstly pour hot water into the cage and swirl it around before pouring it away with any leftover residue. Next, using special small pets disinfectant (this can be purchased from all pet shops and good supermarkets) spray the cage all over to kill any bacteria, paying special attention to the area that your hamster uses as a toilet. Do this to the hamsters bed also and any other areas which are frequently used such as the wheel. Wipe the cage dry (some disnfectants may ned to be rinsed off so check the label) and re-fill with sawdust, bedding and the rest of the toys/items removed earlier. Finally don't forget to re fill your hamsters food bowl and water bottle and even treat them to a small amount of fresh fruit or vegetables.

Why Clean them out?

If hamsters are not regularly cleaned out they can get very ill and n the worst case get an illness called wet tail, if not treated this is likely to cause death. If your hamster has a sticky or damp bottom, this may be wet tail, or if you see feaces similar to diohrea then don't wait to see if it gets better, take your hamster to the vets immediatly.

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14y ago

Once a week, but if it becomes too damp just sprinkle a little bit of sawdust over the damp areas. I find that the corners of my hamsters cage gets very damp.

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There is 2 female hamsters at the pet store and I want both of them Can I keep them in the same cage?

No because if you put them in the same cage they will fight with each other. It is best if you keep one in each cage. Unless they are dwarf hamsters. Than you can put them in the same cage.

How much water to bath a hamster?

Hamsters groom themselves so don't need washing. Water kills hamsters so keep them dry all of the time! If your hamster smells, check it has a clean cage (clean cage every 4-5 days)

Are hamsters very clean?

Yes, they are clean but only if the owner helps clean their cage and the hamster. If they don't clean the hamster and it's cage, the hamster will become dirty.

Can dwarf hamsters learn to get out of their cage?

If they are smart they can. Especially if there is an opening and something for them to climb on. But the best bet is to keep a closed cage, in case they are smart enough to escape.

Can you have a normal hamster and a dwarf in the same cage?

You shouldn't keep a dwarf in a cage.

Do hamsters live in a cage?

Because they need to keep safe

Can hamsters get bumble foot?

Yes they can. To prevent that from occurring never house a hamster in a cage that has wire floors, and keep the cage clean and dry.

How do you make hamsters your friends?

um ... i have 9 robo-hamsters and we just feed them and give them water and keep their cages clean and whenever i stick my fingers up to the cage the hamsters sniff them and let you pet them... could just be that type of hamster though...

How do you change a hamsters cage with 12 baby hamsters?

It is very important that you do not touch the baby hamsters because then the mother will smell human on them, and she will eat the babies. What you need to do is transfer the babies with a plastic spoon or something to another location. The mother will eat her babies. So you want to keep them separate. After the babies are removed, clean the cage as usual.

How many dwarf hamsters can you keep in one cage?

Id put two depending on the size of your cage

How do you clean an anole cage?

Just keep the cage clean. and clean it like u would clean a fish tank.

Do you keep you keep food in your hamsters bowl?

You can, but they will take it all out and "horde" it someplace else, like under some of their bedding or in the hut in which they sleep. They hide it all over their cage. Next time you clean the cage you will see it hidden in the fluff! Just keep filling up the bowl.