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The answer, of course, depends on which camera you are using, what objects you'll photograph, and the desired style of your photo.


Let's start with style of photo first. If you want a wider angle, curved view, fisheye look, you'll want a fisheye lens. If not, you'll select a rectilinear lens. Some fisheye lenses can capture 180 degree field of view and distort the image. If you're taking a picture of a single shark, for example, a fisheye lens may not produce the most pleasing image.


If shooting large aquatic animals, you'll typically want a rectilinear zoom lens. Because it's difficult to obtain quality photographs from a distance underwater, the focal length will still be fairly short, usually less than 24mm. For smaller objects, you'll typically want shorter focal lengths.


Canon and Nikon have excellent lens choices, but third party lens manufacturers also make great lenses, but are typically less expense. Here's a good lens list for Nikon and Canon:

For Nikon:


Nikon 10.5mm (cropped sensor)

Tokina 10-17mm (cropped sensor)


Nikon 10-24mm (cropped sensor)

Nikon 12-24mm (cropped sensor)

Sigma 8-16mm (cropped sensor)

Tokina 12-24mm (cropped sensor)

For Canon:


Canon 15mm

Sigma 15mm

Tokina 10-17mm (cropped sensor)


Canon 10-22mm (cropped sensor)

Sigma 10-20mm

Sigma 8-16mm (cropped sensor)

Tokina 12-24mm (cropped sensor)

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First and most important, don't use a flash. Look for an angle that gives the least reflections.

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Which mood or tone could best be depicted in a photograph?

Hmmm..visually it may be referring to an overtone of a color used in the photograph.

Where would you find a buyer for an original photograph and an original letter written in 1933 by Carrie-Jacobs Bond?

The best place to find a buyer for an original photograph and letter written in 1933 of Carrie-Jacobs Bond would probably be on Ebay.

What do you call a photographer who takes underwater photos?

Yes. You may take photos and videos underwater with a waterproof camera. But make sure you do not use the camera beyond the specified underwater ratings. As of 2011, Sealife Mini 2 Waterproof camera holds the best waterproof depth rating. You can safely use it up to 130 feet underwater without any special casing. You may see the SeaLife at the link below.

How you define a good and interesting photograph?

A good and interesting photograph is dependent upon a number of things. How is the lighting? What quality is the image? How has it been artistically edited? You can take a very simple photograph and make it an amazing piece of art by manipulation of the lighting, camera angle, blur effects, and a number of other things. I would suggest working with what is best for you, explore your opportunities. See what makes you excited, and you can bet that it will make other people feel the same.

Where to buy liquid glass for wood?

From Liquid Polymer Glass Ltd in west Auckland best price best range good helpfull advice on anything you will need to know 5 stars (09) 8135600 Ask for Michael

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