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Fill a cup or bathroom sink with very hot water; boil it if you like and then you can use the pan as the container. Add dish-soap to the water. Then soak the comb, brushes, hair ties, anything that is used in or on the hair. You want to use some type of cleaner that kills bacteria, even bleach will work. Lice can survive in the most extreme conditions so you want to soak them for a while. If your not sure if you have killed any remaining nits reheat the water. You must also be sure to clean the entire living quarters and all clothes, backpacks, stuffed animals ect. EVERYTHING. When I was a child and picked up lice from school my mother was very diligent about cleaning everything and combing out all the nits from my hair; she successfully rid me of lice on the first treatment.

All furniture should be vacuumed after letting a powder designed for killing lice penetrate for the time specified. After vacuuming, spray a lice pesticide on the furniture just to be sure. As with furniture, powder and spray all carpets, rugs ANYTHING that the bug can be on. Wash and dry all clothes and bedding. Strip bedrooms of all toys, place toys with any type of fabric in plastic garbage bags push the air out of the bags and tie securely. Do not open the bags for at least three weeks. You could spray them with the lice spray, but if you need to save on money (because lice treatments, sprays and powders are expensive) bagging the items will save money.

This can also be a time of cleaning house also, toys that are no longer used or broken can be given away or recycled! Use this time as an opportunity to do away with the old.

Make sure to contact schools, family and friends and explain the situation. If you treat your family and fail to tell ppl that have come in contact with the infected the treatment will not work. It will be a waste of time and money. Getting rid of lice is time consuming, but well worth the time. Remember not to overlook anything, and treat as a family even if no lice or nits are apparent. Lice can live on boys as well as girls, even if there is short hair. Lice usually do not live off of animals so do not treat your animals it could seriously harm them, if you are suspicious of lice on your pets inquire at a veterinarian office of your problems.. I hope this helped!

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Q: What is the best way to sterilize a nit comb?
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What is the best way to clean a comb?

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How would you sterilize a media that is heat sensitive?

The best way is to filter sterilize the solution using a nylon membrane/ syringe filter, of 0.45 micron pore size. If needed, dissolve Urea in autoclaved water and then filter sterilize.

How do you remove nits?

The best way to remove nits (lice eggs) is manually, using a fine tooth lice comb and nit-picking where necessary. Studies show that the best lice comb on the market is the Terminator Lice comb. It beats the Licemeister comb and Rid Combs which are often sold in drugstores. There are many products and devices which can aid in treating lice and nits, but the only, 100% way to get rid of a lice infestation is to comb everything out of the hair. This is what is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Harvard School of Public Health. There are no shortcuts. We strongly caution you that "if it sounds to good to be true, it is too good to be true." Our company has treated thousands of heads, many of whom tried pesticide based treatments, non-toxic treatments and even controlled heated air devices. In the end those treatments failed and they came to us to "fix" the mistake because we focus completely on 100% lice and nit removal. This is the key.

How would you sterilize a urea media that is heat sensitive?

The best way is to filter sterilize the solution using a nylon membrane/ syringe filter, of 0.45 micron pore size. If needed, dissolve Urea in autoclaved water and then filter sterilize.

What is the best way to discard a kitchen sponge?

You can sterilize them by putting them in the dishwasher but if you think it is too far gone, just throw in the garbage.

How do I sterilize my filling equipment?

The safest way to sterilize filling equipment is by autoclaving it. You have to keep the filling equipment in autoclave for 30 mins at 1

How can you get waves in your hair faster?

take the comb and comb up the way for a tinsey second

What is best way to get rid of lice?

The best way for me was mayo... put it in your hair your hair MUST be dry and leave it in you're hair for an hour and a half and then take it out with really hot water and then comb your hair with a lice comb (you can get them at drugstores) do this for the next 2-3 days until the lice is gone. good luck

Do microwaves sterilise feeding bottles in the steamer given to use in them. If so how to sterilise the bottles?

The best way to sterilize bottles is to steam them for a few minutes in a large pot on the stove with a little water. They can also be sterilized in an industrial dishwasher with a "sterilize" function. Microwaves are non-ionizing radiation. They do not sterilize anything by themselves, except to the extent that they can boil water. It would be possible to sterilize bottles in a microwave, assuming that you had a microwave-safe container that you could boil water and bottles in. (Never put a sealed container in a microwave).

Does a curry comb need to be moved in a circular movement?

a curry comb can be moved in any which way as long as it is being repeated over the same spot more than once. although circular patterns are ideal and are the best at removing all lose hair.

Why is hair attracted to a comb?

Hair is attracted to a comb because of the buildup of static electricity on the comb and on the hair. This buildup occurs when you pass the comb through the hair, and can be reduced or eliminated by adding a little bit of water to the comb or to the hair. Depending on the material of the comb, either the comb will be positively charged and the hair negatively charged, or it could be the other way around. Since opposing charges attract each each, the hair then is attracted to the comb.