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The best way is to make a strong password on the account on your computer, and always log-out when you are done.

Plus, never tell your internet browser to 'remember' your passwords and always delete any suspicious e-mail, spam mail, viruses (using a virus protection software), and never open any suspicious attachments from e-mails.

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12y ago

Both Linux and Windows 7 have options that prevent people from accessing your computer via open ports. There is however always a danger that a user will download (via browsing) a computer virus that can open those ports to the outside world. So while you don't need an external firewall some sort of anti-virus software and there are many options for that. Linux is somewhat more safe as most people writing virus and Trojan horses direct their efforts to Windows.

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Q: What is the best way to stop people hacking in your computer?
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How do I stop my brother from hacking my computer?

Set password on admin account.

What are the laws against hacking in computer?

1) Stop Online Piracy Act(SOPA) 2)Internet Spyware Prevention Act(SPY)

What are people doing to prevent computer hacking?

You can install a reliable firewall. The best and only way to avoid hacking is don't connect to the Internet or any other type of network. Which is nearly impossible these days. As long as your computer's hooked up to a network or the Internet, you're vulnerable and at risk. Keeping your anti-virus and your computer's software updated will help but will not fully protect you. Good luck. Switching from a windows operated computer to a Apple/Mac computer has helped me out quite a bit as far as "safe net surfing" goes. But it's a costly/pricey switch.

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you get a good password,you don't tell any one whatsoever and, good username.

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stop hacking!

Why dont the Habbo staff do anything to stop hacking?

Because they cant. They can tell people to not do it (which they do) but not everyone listens. Habbo hotel is working through this to improve habbo to stop hackers from hacking and habbo hotel is currently working on fixing any bugs that might fix this.

What is the Name of the device that can stop hacking?

Norton anti virus. (wont stop but will reduce).

Your computer is blocked how do you unblock it?

Only a hacker would ask this question it is obvious. I have one thing to tell you people GET A LIFE quit trying to get into people hardware, personal information, and computers you may he successful a few times but that's pretty much a one hit wonder. As Computer shield levels increase the less and less your going to want to be a hacker so stop now and play a video game or go to school just stop hacking and ruining everyones lives. HACKING IS ANOTHER WAY OF STEALING OR BREAKING AND ENTERING!

Are hackers impossible to stop?

No but they can be impossible to stop. Even if it's impossible to stop hackers, you can prevent them from hacking into you account.

How do you throw multiple proximity mines on James Bond Quantom of Solace?

well you need to hack a computer but before you do that you need to throw a proximity mine then hack the computer fast. once you do that stop hacking and your ammo is proxcimity mines

What is poke diger real password for roblox?

People on YouTube say that it is poke15roblox

How do you aviod your aim hacker getting personal info about you?

Stop being stupid enough to use an aim hack; anything with the name HACK in it is NOT good for your computer. The bulk of that "aim" hacking program is not the "aimhack" but rather a way to look at everything on your computer. . Long story short? Stop using it, and wipe your PC.