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The best way to take care of the new sod is to water it. You do not want to fertilize it until the early part of spring

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Q: What is the best way to take care of brand new sod Water or fertilizer etc. I had new sod placed in November one day before it snowed and it remained snow-covered until 2 weeks ago.?
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no it will just make it taste bad most people will use fertilizer to grow it jsut stop using fertilizer on it a couple weeks before harvest and it iwll be fine there will be no more fertilizer left in it

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It is when fertilizer is applied before planting or at the time of ploughing

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The answer to "who invented fertilizer'' is Justus von Liebig. i guy invented it to help the plants because people were dying from hunger before in the 18 century.

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In a calendar year, May is before November.

What plant fertilizer works best on sunflowers?

A normal balanced fertilizer is best for most plants. Just before the plant starts to flower give it some Potash.

Can starter fertilizer harm established grass?

No, fertilizer should almost always be good for grass as long as you don't apply too much. Many times starter fertilizer is actually weaker than regular fertilizer as they don't want to damage the seeds/young sprouts before they take hold.

What is granular garden fertilizer?

Granular or dry fertilizer is a type of fertilizer which comes in a dry pelleted form, as opposed to spikes, a liquid, or powder. Most garden stores carry several different types of granular fertilizer, along with an array of formulations which are designed to address specific soil conditions. This type of fertilizer has both advantages and disadvantages which gardeners have to consider before use.

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Grass fertilization should be done in spring or fall. It is preferable to spread fertilizer before a rain so that it soaks into the soil.

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