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I just weaned myself off of Celexa. I was on 40mg a day. I cut the dose in half each week (40/20/10/5) and then stopped. I have had NO side effects or withdrawal symptoms. I actually feel BETTER now that I am off of it....another way is to wean off 60mg is 20mg each week till you reach twenty and stop taking it...or you can take ten for a week if the withdrawals bother you and then stop...I stopped at twenty and felt some withdrawals like head shocks and irritation for like 2-3 days then it went said it was an ok way getting off it...

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Q: What is the best way to wean off Celexa?
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How can you wean yourself off Lexapro if you were on 10mg for one month and stopped abruptly but had severe withdrawal symptoms so you started on 5mg but it makes you feel bad?

I'm not a doctor, .It's really important to never "wean yourself" off any medication. Matter of fact, never make any change to a directive given about a prescription w/o your doctor. Lexapro and other anti-deps. are serious drugs. There isn't enough information out there to help you and your unique situation. We all try to help each other on these chats, but all any of us can do is give from personal experience. My doctor is taking 2 months to wean me off Lexapro. I'm so tempted to just stop, but know I better follow his directions. Note on the above: Well, then how do you expect people to come off it? It's WAY better to wean off it then just stop it. Those are the exact words my doctor gave me, so putting them in quotes and telling someone never to do it, is stupid. ESPECIALLY if it's doctor directed it's absolutely FINE to wean off of it, in fact, it's the only way you want to come off of any antidepressants. And doctors don't always give clear directions. Despite asking for clarification my doctors directions for weaning off were quite vague, so I imagine it isn't all that specific or dangerous a process, or he'd be asking for a malpractice suit.

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