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Grebes build the nests in shallow water and are often anchored at one or two points, but they are basically floating on the water. The Jacanas build nests which often sink into the water while the bird is sitting on it. Three species of Marsh Terns (eg, the Black Tern, Chilodonias niger) build nests of broken reeds in water up to 4 ft deep. These nests are sometimes anchored to nearby vegetation. Resource:

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15y ago
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16y ago

The bald eagle makes the largest nest, some measuring 6'to 8'across and weighing tons

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9y ago

Several birds are considered ground dwelling species. Birds that make their nest on the ground include game birds, shore birds, waterfowl, and song birds.

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15y ago

bald eagles use the same nest for years,adding sticks each year.some nests weigh nearly a ton!

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13y ago

In trees using sticks and other nature items such as grass, and sometimes they also use poop to hold parts of the nest together if the materials available to them are too slippery.

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15y ago

It could be a Canada Goose or any other type of windfowl The swallow family uses mud to make nests, also certain flycatchers.

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The Bald Eagle, the symbol for America.

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yes, male birds do build nests. for example, the weaver bird (found in Africa) uses the building of the nest as a mating ritual. the more elaborate the nest, the more likely the male is to attract a mate. these elaborate nests help to ensure the safety of the eggs and the young from predators as they often include what look like a number of entrances to the nest, fooling the predator as to the location of the actual entrance.

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It uses its beak and feet as tools, and various plants as materials.