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Q: What is the body temperature of a chicken in Fahrenheit?
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What is normal body temperature of a cock?

The normal body temperature of a cock, also known as a rooster, is between 103 and 107 degrees Fahrenheit. It varies based on the breed of rooster.

What is the temperature for a incubator for chicken eggs?

The temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit

Is your body temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Temperature is mesured in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius OR 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you make fried chicken on the stove At what temperature and how long do you let it cook?

To fry your chicken, fill your pot with oil, heat it to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, add chicken and maintain the temperature at 300 degrees Fahrenheit as the chicken fries.

What is the temperature that chicken eggs need to be at to eat?

39119 Fahrenheit

Which is cooler a humans regular body temperature or 100 degrees Fahrenheit?

A humans at 98.6 Fahrenheit. The irony is that 100 Fahrenheit was supposed to be the normal human body temperature but Mr. Fahrenheit must have had a temperature on the day that he measured it !

What is the normal body temperature of a lion?

The normal body temperature for a lion is 101 degrees Fahrenheit. This is slightly higher than a humans body temperature which is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

A human body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius about how many IN FAHRENHEIT?

98.6 is the normal human body temperature in Fahrenheit degrees.

What temperature must a chicken egg incubate?

99.5 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the body temperature of animals from the rain forest in Fahrenheit?

98 in fahrenheit

What is the normal body temperature of a human being in degrees Fahrenheit?

The human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 37 degrees celsius

What is normal body temperature in degree Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius?

Normal body temperature in degrees fahrenheit is 98.6 and 37 in degrees Celsius.