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100 degrees Celsius

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Q: What is the boiling point of water in metric system?
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What thermometer is based on the metric system?

That depends on what units the thermometer is calibrated in. The SI unit for temperature is the kelvin, but degrees Celsius commonly used, if the thermometer reads in kelvin or degrees Celsius then it is a metric tool.

Why is water a special substance in the metric system?

GramWater is originally used in the metric system to define what a kilogram is. When the metric system was originally developed, the standard unit for mass was the mass of a liter of water as ice, which is one kilogram.The Celsius temperature scale (and also the Kelvin scale) is also based on water. The boiling point of water (at sea level) is 100 degres Celsius, and freezing is 0 degrees Celsius.

Would the boiling point of water be higher or lower on a mountain peakhow would the boiling point be affected in a pressurized system?

The higher the pressure being exerted on the water, the lower the boiling point becomes. Yes the boiling point is affected in a pressurized system. If you put water in a sealed container and kept raising the pressure it will eventually reach it's boiling point without the need of adding heat.

Metric temperature scale with 100 as the boiling point of water?

The Celsius temperature scale. ( also called Centigrade )

When boiler pressure increases what happens to the boiling point of water?

The boiling point of water is dependent on environmental factors and the presence of solutes. In this case the pressure of the system on the water serves to increase the boiling point of water. The higher pressures increase boiling points while lowering pressure decreases it.

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What is the boiling point of water in Lesotho?

Boiling point of water in lesotho

What does the boiling of salt water compare to the boiling point of fresh water?

The boiling point of freshwater is lower than the boiling point of saltwater.

What is boiling point of water called?

boiling point?!?

How are water and the metric system related?

the unit of mass is the mass of one cubic centimeters of water at STP. - gram the unit of temperature (degrees Kelvin or Kelvins) is related to the difference between the freezing point ofd pure water and the boiling point at STP. - Celsius, reduced to absolute zero for Kelvin.

What is the effect of NaCl and CaCl2 on the boiling point of water?

The water with solved ions has greater boiling point. The dissolved salts increase the boiling point of water.

Why boiling point of water is not fixed?

The boiling point of water is fixed but boiling points depends on the atmospheric pressure.