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Generally, Mammalology.

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Q: What is the branch of zoology that studies wolves?
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Ichthyology is the branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish. The branch of zoology that studies fishes.

Which are the branches of zoology?

which are the branches of zoology^ (ummm...... what answer is that? Zoology is mainly a branch of Biology... without much Biology in your studies Zoology would be harder to take in...)

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What branch of biology that studies wolves?


What does an ornithologist study?

the branch of zoology that deals with birds

What is a palaeozoologist?

A paleozoologist is a person who studies paleozoology - the study of the branch of zoology dealing with fossils and the creatures which were transformed into them.

Branches of zoology with their definition?

ZoologySee also animals; biology; birds; bulls and bullfighting; butterflies; cats; cocks; dogs; fish; horses; insects; organisms;reptiles; snakes; wolves; worms.acarologya division of zoology that studies mites and ticks. - acarologist, n.amphibiologythe branch of zoology that studies amphibians. - amphibiological, adj.arachnologya branch of zoology that studies spiders and other arachnids. Also called arachnidology, araneology. -arachnologist, n.carcinologythe branch of zoology that studies crustaceans. - carcinologist, n.cetologythe study of whales. - cetologist, n.coadunationthe state or condition of being united by growth. - coadunate, adj.coccidologythe branch of zoology that studies scales, mealy bugs, and other members of the family Coccidea.conchologythe branch of zoology that studies the shells of mollusks. Also called malacology. - conchologist, n.-conchological, adj.crustaceologythe branch of zoology that studies crustaceans.cynologythe branch of zoology that studies the dog, especially its natural history.echinologythe branch of zoology that studies echinoderms.entomologythe study of insects. - entomologist, n. - entomologie, entomological, adj.epimorphosisdevelopment of an organism or form of animal life in which body segmentation is complete before hatching. -epimorphic, adj.estivation, aestivationthe practice of certain animals of sleeping throughout the summer. Cf. hibernation.gemmationreproduction by budding. See also botany.hibernationthe practice of certain animals of sleeping throughout the winter. Cf. estivation.invertebracythe state or quality of being invertebrate or without a backbone, as certain organisms, animals, etc; hence, spinelessness; exhibiting a lack of strength of character. - invertebrate, adj.lepidopterologythe branch of entomology that studies butterflies. - lepidopterologist, lepidopterist, n.malacologyconchology. - malacologist, n.mammalogythe branch of zoology that studies mammals. - mammalogist, n.metamorphosisa change or succession of changes in form during the life cycle of an animal, allowing it to adapt to different environmental conditions, as a caterpillar into a butterfly.ornithologythe branch of zoology that studies birds. - ornithologist, n.paleomammalogy, palaeomammalogythe branch of zoology that studies the mammals of past geologic ages.stirpicultureselective breeding to develop strains with particular characteristics. - stirpicultural, adj.taxonomya system of naming things, as plants or animals. - taxonomist, n. - taxonomie, adj.viviparapl. animals whose young are bom live, as mammals. - viviparity, n. - viviparous, adj.zoogeography1. the study of the geographical distribution of animals.2. the study of the causes, effects, and other relations involved in such distributions. - zoogeographer, n.zoonomy, zoonomiathe laws of animal life or the animal kingdom. - zoonomist, n. - zoonomic, adj.zoopathologythe study or science of the diseases of animals; animal pathology. Also zoopathy.zoopathyzoopathology.zoophysiologythe physiology of animals, as distinct from that of humans.zoophytologythe branch of zoology concerned with the zoophytes. - zoophytological, adj.zootaxyzoological classification; the scientific classification of animals.-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

How zoology is related to biology?

Zoology is branch of Biology that deals with study of animals .

What does a zoologist study?

zoology is the branch of biology pertaining to animal studies.

What is the study of hepertologist?

A herpetologist is a person who studies and works with reptiles and amphibians; herpetology is the branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians.

What is the name of animal studies?

I think its zoology.