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It's actually named for a place in Quebec, not Quebec itself. The cheese is called Oka.

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Q: What is the brine-cured cheese named after Quebec?
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What does Quebec make?

Quebec makes dairy products; mainly cheese.

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Quebec's flower is named the blue flag iris. It replaced the Madonna lily in 1999.

What is the name of a salty blue cheese from Quebec?

The answer is ERMITE (Canadian blue cheese and found in a recipe).

Is their something named after Robert Rene la Salle?

yes, there is a place in quebec named after him

How did muenster cheese gets its name?

The original Munster cheese was named for the city in Germany. American Muenster cheese was so named not to clash with the Europeans.

What kind of foods do people eat in qeubec?

Poutine is a popular food that people in Quebec eat. It is a dish composed of French fries, gravy, and cheese curd. Other foods commonly eaten in Quebec include bagels, tire d'erable, and cheese.

How do they name cheese?

they name cheese by the way the cheese looks. for example, Swiss cheese was named Swiss because of it's holes.

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Where did the story of Bach et Bottine take place?

The story of Bach et Bottine takes place in Quebec, Canada. It follows the adventures of a young girl named Bach and her friendship with an older man named Bottine as they navigate life in a rural setting.

Is there a Quebec river?

There is no river named Qyebec in Quebec. The name Quebec is from the algonquin indian nation, meaning "narrow passage", refferring to the narrowing of St-Laurent river in front of Québec city.