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Q: What is the bump on your wrist?
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What is the medial bump of the wrist called?

The medial bump of the wrist is caused by the styloid process of the ulna. The lateral wrist bump is from the radius.

That bump on your wrist is the end of which bone?


What bones form the bumps on the medial and lateral sides of a wrist?

The radius forms the bump on the lateral side of the wrist. The ulna forms the bump on the medial side of the wrist. Remember to keep anatomical position in mind when determining directionals for the upper limb.

I broke my wrist and now there is a hard bump inside my arm what is it from?

from the break.

What are the processes and bones that create your medial and lateral ankle and wrist bumps?

The bumps at the ankle are the malleoli (singular malleolus). The medial malleolus is formed by the tibia, and the lateral malleolus by the fibula. The medial wrist bump is formed by the styloid process of the ulna, and the lateral wrist bump by the styloid process of the radius.

In volleybal what does bump mean?

When you bump a volleyball, you have your arms together with one hand in a fist and the other wrapped around. When the ball comes to you, you simplylean into it with your legs and let it hit the area between the inside of your elbow and your wrist.

What does it mean when you bump your wrist?

The one on the thumb side is called the styloid process of the radius. The one on the other side is called the styloid process of the ulna.

What muscles are used for serving in volleyball?

You're not supposed to use your arms. You use your legs to pass a ball.

Who put the bump in the bump she bump she bump?

YOU put the bump in the bump she bump she bump

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What is bump in volleyball?

a bump is where you hit the volleyball with your arms by making a fist with one hand and wrapping your other hand around the fist tightly. then you swing your arms up (no higher than your shoulders) so the ball hits and bounces off. the ball should hit about 2-3 inches above your wrist. if you bump off a serve, you typically dont need to swing your arms, it should just bounce off.

What forms the bump on the wrist?

Well, the information you provide is limited, but a common cause can be a Ganglion cyst. Go see your primary care doc or a hand surgeon to rule out other causes and to receive treatment. If it is a simple Ganglion cyst, it usually can be drained in the office.