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Q: What is the byproduct of cross linking proteins?
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What are the cross-linking fixatives?

Cross-linking fixatives are types of fixatives that are used to quickly halt enzymatic degradation. Formaldehyde, osmium tetroxide, and glutaraldehyde are the most commonly used cross-linking fixatives.

Proteins are made by linking what together with peptide bonds?

Amino Acids.

What cross linking glycan?

The cross-linking glycans are a heterogeneous group of branched polysaccharides that bind tightly to the surface of each cellulose microfibril and thereby help to cross-link microfibrils into a complex network in plant cellwall.

What is the formation of synthetic rubber by cross linking with sulfur?


What is Cross linking and what are the function of Cross linking?

Cross-linking is used to refer the process of linking one site to another site.It provides the users with reference sites that contain the content related to the search.The 2 websites cross-linking do not be owned by the same person.In other words, cross-linking is a barter wherein I link to you and you link to me.It could be a 2-way link oe 3-way link. In a 2 way link site A links to site B and site B links to site A. In a 3 way link, site A links to site B, site B links to site C and site C links to site A. read more...

What is the bond type linking the subunits of proteins together called?

-C-C-N- Peptide bond.

Describe how amino acids form proteins through condensation reactions?

Amino acids make proteins through condensation reactions because they form peptide bonds. Also a byproduct is often water.

What process involves antibodies cross-linking cells or particles into large aggregates?


What kind of protein helps some substances cross the cell membrane?

Channel proteins.

Can a thermosetting plastic change shape?

No because of cross linking of monomeric chains. On heating it chars.

What is the different techniques of enzyme immobilization?

adsorption,microencapsulation,entrapment,cross linking,covalent binding

Why are some polymers strechy while some are not?

The elasticity of a polymer depends on the cross-linking of its chains.