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The cause of mercantilism growth was because the Europeans were tired of paying much from spices from Italy. They want to get the spices themselves from Asia.

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Q: What is the cause of mercantilism growth?
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Did the mercantilism theories cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies?

Mercantilism theories did not cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies. Mercantilism, in fact, motivated colonial expansion and war.

Why was mercantilism important?

Mercantilism is important to the growth of the economy. It helps to trade and supply goods and makes services easier. Mercantilism became dominant in Europe in the year 16th to 18th century.

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What caused the growth of mercantilism?

Mercantilism was an economy theory that posited that the wealthiest nation, particularly in terms of precious metals, would be the most powerful. The demand of the precious metals by the developed countries was one of the causes of mercantilism.

The goal of mercantilism is?

Mercantilism is, in basic terms, trade within an empire, meaning no importing or exporting from foreign providers. The goal of such a system would be self-growth of the traders/companies within the empire.

What is the goal of mercantilism?

Mercantilism is, in basic terms, trade within an empire, meaning no importing or exporting from foreign providers. The goal of such a system would be self-growth of the traders/companies within the empire.

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It prevented expansion of trade with other countries.

How did the government regulation of trade limit economic growth under the system of mercantilism?

It prevented the expansion of trade with other countries.

How did mercantilism cause the American revolution?

American colonists thought British taxes were unfair.

How did exploration and colonialism lead to the growth of capitalism market economy and mercantilism?

When the people went to explore, they found spices, plants, animals, and food. So these items led to producing a market economy, supply and demand, capitalism, and mercantilism.

How did the economic philosophy of mercantilism slow economic growth before the industrial revolution?

It prevented merchants from freely trading goods in foreign markets.

How did mercantilism affect the growth of colonial American economies?

it affected the growth because the water in the soil would somehow get in the plant and now they cant do anything about it the plant cant last long with so much soil in it